Air quality health index

Air quality is critical to our health. The new Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) is a tool to help you plan and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Much like the UV Index helps protect us from the harmful effects of too much sun, the AQHI alerts us to health risks posed by air pollution.

You can use the Index to check the health risk level in your community before heading outdoors.

Did you know?

The Air Quality Health Index is updated regularly and even includes a forecast to help you plan for the day ahead. Check the AQHI in your region for the latest information.

Who should use the Air Quality Health Index?

The AQHI is for everyone, including those vulnerable to the effects of air pollution, like seniors, people with chronic illnesses, or parents of young children. It has been designed to help you decide the best time to enjoy your outdoor activities.

The AQHI is measured on a scale ranging from 1-10+. The AQHI index values are also grouped into health risk categories as shown below. These categories help you to easily and quickly identify your level of risk.

Air Quality  Health Index
  • 1-3  Low health risk
  • 4-6  Moderate health risk
  • 7-10  High health risk
  • 10 +  Very high health risk

The AQHI was developed by the Government of Canada working together with provinces and key health and environment partners. It is gradually being introduced in communities across the country.

Look for AQHI information on the Weather Network, or find it directly on the Environment Canada website.