Celebrate Canada

Program Overview

Celebrate Canada is an eleven-day celebration that takes place from June 21 to July 1.

Take advantage of Celebrate Canada activities to get together in your communities, to discover and appreciate the wealth and diversity of Canadian society, and show your love of Canada and your pride in being Canadian!

National Aboriginal Day on June 21

In cooperation with national Aboriginal organizations, the Government of Canada designated June 21 National Aboriginal Day. This date was chosen because it corresponds to the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, and because for generations, many Aboriginal groups have celebrated their culture and heritage at this time of year.

National Aboriginal Day is a wonderful opportunity to become better acquainted with the cultural diversity of Inuit, Métis and First Nations peoples, discover the unique accomplishments of Aboriginal peoples in fields as varied as agriculture, the environment and the arts, and celebrate their significant contribution to Canadian society.

Share in the celebration! National Aboriginal Day website

Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day on June 24

All across Canada, French Canadians express their cultural pride and rich heritage through colourful parades and lively parties on June 24 marking Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day.

These festivities combine the ancient rites of the summer solstice - a period of light and hope - with the traditional celebration in honour of the Patron Saint of French Canadians.

Come to the party and discover French Canadians' culture and their contribution to Canadian society!

Canadian Multiculturalism Day on June 27

On November 13, 2002, the Government of Canada, by Royal Proclamation, designated June 27 of each year as Canadian Multiculturalism Day.

Canadian Multiculturalism Day is an opportunity to celebrate our diversity and our commitment to democracy, equality and mutual respect and to appreciate the contributions of the various multicultural groups and communities to Canadian society.

Take part in the events and discover the wealth of Canada's diversity.

Canada Day on July 1

This is an opportunity to gather in our communities, from coast to coast to coast, and to proudly celebrate all we have in common. It is an opportunity to celebrate our achievements, which were born in the audacious vision and shared values of our ancestors, and which are voiced in nearly all of the languages of the world through the contribution of new Canadians.

Canada Day is a time to celebrate the heritage passed down to us through the works of our authors, poets, artists and performers. It is a time to rejoice in the discoveries of our scientific researchers, in the success of our entrepreneurs, and to commemorate our history - a history in which each new chapter reveals itself to be more touching, more fascinating than the last.

As we look ahead, we have every reason to face the future with confidence and enthusiasm.

How to obtain funding

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For other inquiries, please contact the nearest Department of Canadian Heritage Regional Office.

If you would like to obtain complimentary promotional material for your event and have not applied for funding from Celebrate Canada,  you can request a limited quantity of items by visiting the Promotional Materials website and submitting your order form by May 17, 2013.


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