Consultation and Engagement

AANDC is a Department that at its fundamental core, works in continuous partnership with several stakeholders and primarily with First Nation, Inuit, Métis and Northerners groups to support sound policy development and decision-making. AANDC seeks input from individuals, associations, organizations and other levels of government to help shape its policies, programs and legislative initiatives.

What Information is Available in this Section?

A summary of the Government's consultation and engagement efforts with regard to bills specific to the mandate of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada that are currently before Parliament is available.

This section includes information on upcoming, current and completed engagement activities by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC), including supporting documents. This information is also available on the Consulting with Canadians website, which also includes other Government of Canada consultation and engagement activities.

There is also a section on Consultation and Accommodation, also known as "Duty to Consult", with information on the Government of Canada's statutory, contractual and common law obligations to consult with Aboriginal groups.