Consultations for Development of a First Nation Education Act

Update on Progress to Date

Over the last months, the Government consulted with First Nations, provinces and others on a proposed framework for legislation on First Nations elementary and secondary education, outlined in the December 2012 Discussion Guide. Between December 2012 and May 2013, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada held eight face-to-face regional consultation sessions across the country, more than 30 video and teleconference sessions, as well as online consultation activities, including an online survey. The Government received input on a variety of topics, including treaties, parental involvement in education, language and culture, the transition to legislation funding, and First Nation control over education.

On June 12, 2013, the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development sent a letter to all First Nation Chiefs and Councils, including Grand Chiefs, to provide an update on the consultation process and to outline the next steps in the development of a proposed First Nation Education Act.

As part of the next steps, the Government released a Blueprint for Legislation on July 12, 2013. This document provides an annotated outline of the Government of Canada's proposed approach to a First Nation Education Act and reflects upon what we heard during the first stage of consultations. The blueprint has been shared with First Nation Chiefs and Councils, First Nation organizations, provincial governments and others for feedback. This blueprint is not intended to be taken as comprehensive in nature, exclusive of other potential drafting subjects, nor as representative of a final Act.

The Government is committed to continuing the dialogue with First Nations on this important legislation and encourages ongoing participation in the development of a proposed First Nation Education Act. Your views on the Blueprint for Legislation and the approach to a First Nation Education Act are welcome.

Proposed legislation will be shared with all First Nation communities across the country, provincial governments, and others, for input prior to legislation being introduced in Parliament in the fall of 2013.


As the consultation process moves forward, the Government has released a Blueprint for Legislation which sets out the Government of Canada's proposed approach to a First Nation Education Act and has been informed by the work of the National Panel on First Nation Elementary and Secondary Education, as well as recent consultations undertaken between December 2012 and May 2013. The Blueprint has been shared with First Nation Chiefs and Councils, First Nation organizations, provincial governments and others with an expertise or interest in First Nation education for feedback. Visit the consultation page to read the Blueprint and to learn more about how to submit your ideas for consideration. We also encourage you to review the progress to date or view the Discussion Guide that was used during the first phase of consultations.

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