Lost, stolen, inaccessible, damaged or found passports

A Canadian passport is a valuable document that should be kept in a safe place at all times. Once a passport has been reported lost or stolen, it is no longer valid and cannot be used for travel. This is to ensure that it is not used for fraudulent purposes. Passport Canada, the Government of Canada or any representative of the Government of Canada cannot be held responsible for any difficulties you may encounter at border crossings if you attempt to use a passport that has been reported lost or stolen.

What to do if your passport is lost or stolen

In Canada: Call Passport Canada (at 1-800-567-6868) and your local police to report the circumstances of the loss or theft.

Outside Canada: Report the loss or theft to the nearest Government of Canada office abroad and to the local police.

Replacing a lost or stolen passport

A replacement passport may be authorized if all requirements are met. These include the submission of:

  1. A completed application form (adult in Canada or the US [PPTC 153, PDF, 479 KB], adult abroad [PPTC 040, PDF, 449 KB], child in Canada or the US [PPTC 155, PDF, 466 KB], child abroad [PPTC 042, PDF, 431 KB]) signed by your guarantor;

  2. Two identical passport photos, one of which is signed by the guarantor;

  3. An accepted proof of Canadian citizenship; and

  4. A document to support your identity;

  5. The appropriate fee; and

  6. A complete Declaration concerning a lost, stolen, inaccessible, damaged or found Canadian travel document (PPTC 203, PDF, 150 KB).

Canadians living in Canada or the United States—can request a replacement passport in person at any Passport Canada office or submit an application by mail or courier.

Canadians abroad (outside of Canada and the United States) can apply at the nearest Government of Canada office abroad.

Before the passport can be replaced, Canadian authorities will conduct an investigation into the circumstances of the loss or theft. This may lead to delays in processing the replacement passport.

Found passport

If you find a passport, including your own passport that you previously reported as lost or stolen, it must be returned to Passport Canada with a letter that describes how, when and where you found it. Once a passport has been reported lost or stolen, it is no longer valid and cannot be used for travel.

In Canada, please return the found passport with a letter any of the following ways:

  • In person at a Passport Canada office. (Canada Post offices and Service Canada Centres cannot accept found passports.)

  • In person at your local Police Service or Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) station.

  • By registered mail or courier to:

    Passport Canada Program
    Security Bureau, 3rd floor
    Gatineau, QC  K1A 0G3

Outside Canada, please return the found passport with a letter to the nearest Government of Canada office abroad.

Damaged passport

Passport Canada recommends that you apply for a new passport if your current passport is damaged. Travellers whose passport is damaged in any way could face significant delays or be denied entry at border crossings, or be denied boarding on flights.

A passport is considered damaged if it:

  • impedes the identification of the holder;
  • appears to have been altered or falsified; or
  • could potentially cause problems at a point of entry.

Ultimately, border authorities may allow or refuse entry or exit for any reason, including the condition of a passport. An airline may also prevent a passenger from boarding a plane based on the condition of a passport (airline officials have knowledge of the entry requirements of international destinations).

If you are concerned that the condition of your passport may cause you to be refused boarding on international flights, you should contact the airline prior to departure.

Inaccessible passport

If your current passport is inaccessible please contact us.

Seized or surrendered passport

Travel documents that have been seized by law enforcement authorities or ordered surrendered by a court of law are usually returned to Passport Canada. Passport Canada ensures their safeguard until they expire at which time they are destroyed.

Should you wish to have a passport returned to you prior to expiry, submit a request to the Passport Canada Security Bureau by mail or fax. Please provide the following documentation so that a passport entitlement review can be initiated:

  • Your full name and date of birth;
  • Your current mailing address and phone number;
  • An explanation of how and why the passport was removed from your custody; and
  • If applicable, a copy of your most current court documents that pertain to your release conditions.

Please send the above document(s) to:

Passport Canada Program
Security Bureau, 3rd floor
Gatineau, QC  K1A 0G3

You may also fax the document(s) to 819-953-5856, to the attention of: Passport Canada, Security Bureau. Queries regarding this process can be directed to the same address or fax number.

Take care of your passport

You must take care of your passport. If you have had multiple passports reported lost or stolen, you may face some restrictions when applying for a new passport. For example, you may be asked to provide proof of travel before a new passport is issued, or Passport Canada may place limitations on the passport's validity. If you have a long history of lost or stolen passports, you may be refused a passport.

Maintaining the reputation of the Canadian passport requires constant vigilance. As a passport holder you must play your part by taking care of this important travel document.

From a security perspective, there is no difference between lost and stolen passports. In both cases, the passport's whereabouts are unknown, and the document could be used for fraudulent purposes.

In both cases, Passport Canada will:

  • Confirm your identity (identification may be requested) because only the passport holder (or legal parent or guardian for a child) may declare a passport lost or stolen.

  • Ask questions about the circumstances of the loss or theft.

  • Invalidate the passport within its internal system.

  • Inform law enforcement and border agencies so the passport cannot be used for travel.