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Find official statistics on a number of population characteristics, organized by topic. Demographic data can help you understand who your customers are, where they are located and what their needs and wants are.

Statistics Canada's Directory of Statistics

Statistics Canada offers information and analysis on a number of topics relating to demographic characteristics. By examining the data offered under these topics, you can gain insight into the customers and markets you serve.

  • Aboriginal peoples

    Browse resources that provide demographic information about Aboriginal peoples, organized by topics such as business, health, education and income.

  • Children and youth

    Browse statistical resources related to infants, children, teens, adolescents, students and young adults.

  • Education, training and learning

    Browse statistical resources on activities related to developing knowledge, skills, understanding and values.

  • Ethnic diversity and immigration

    Browse statistical resources on ethnic groups, visible minorities, the Canadian-born population, immigrants and non-permanent residents.

  • Families, households and housing

    Browse statistical resources on households, housing, family types, marriages, divorces, common-law unions and living arrangements of individuals.

  • Health

    Browse statistical information on the health of the population, factors affecting health and the use of Canada's health services.

  • Income, pensions, spending and wealth

    Browse statistical resources on income, pensions, spending and wealth, organized by topics such as debts, spending, savings, and retirement income.

  • Languages

    Browse Statistics Canada resources on the language composition of Canada, including information on English, French, Aboriginal, and other language groups.

  • Population and demography

    Browse Statistics Canada data and studies on populations, as well as their growth factors (births, deaths and migrations).

  • Seniors

    Browse Statistics Canada resources on the characteristics of seniors, organized by subtopics such as care, health, income and retirement.

  • Society and community

    Browse Statistics Canada information resources on society and community, organized by subtopics such as equity, religion, rural trends, and gender differences.

Census of Population

The Census of Population provides a statistical portrait of Canada and its people.

Regional demographic statistics

Find demographic statistics provided by provincial, territorial and regional government agencies.

  • Economic Development Winnipeg Inc.
    Applies only to: Manitoba

    Want to grow your business in Winnipeg? Access support and opportunities for your small business.

  • Ministry of Health Covered Population
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    Find Saskatchewan demographic information based on persons who are registered for health insurance benefits.

  • Alberta Community Profiles
    Applies only to: Alberta

    View profiles of Alberta communities featuring key contacts, population figures, labour and education statistics, tax rates, and building permit data.

  • Alberta Labour Market Information
    Applies only to: Alberta

    If you are an entrepreneur, you can use this website to get information on demographics, labour force and shortages, salaries and wages.

  • Alberta statistics and publications
    Applies only to: Alberta

    Find publications, statistics, reports and studies published by Alberta Finance and Enterprise to connect your business with resources to help you trade and invest.

  • Industrial Land Site Locator
    Applies only to: Alberta

    If you are an Edmonton entrepreneur, use this website to get information on available land, demographics, labour force and business statistics.

  • Regional economic indicators
    Applies only to: Alberta

    Find valuable economic indicator information for any of the Alberta regions listed. Select the map legend or the area on the map that corresponds with that region's colour.

  • BizMap - Vancouver Market Area Profiles
    Applies only to: British Columbia

    Find commercial and neighbourhood area profiles for Vancouver that describe the customer base, business mix, land use and development potential to support your market research activities.

  • Saskatoon neighbourhood profiles
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    Get detailed demographic data for each Saskatoon neighbourhood to help support your market research.

  • Regina neighbourhood profiles
    Applies only to: Saskatchewan

    View profiles of Regina neighbourhoods for a quick source of detailed information on population, income, family characteristics and more, to help research areas you may want to target.

  • Databank of official statistics on Quebec
    Applies only to: Québec

    Consult statistics compiled by a number of Quebec departments and agencies on the various facets of the society of Quebec.

International demographic statistics

Find official demographic statistics published by international organizations.

  • UN Demographic Yearbook

    Find international demographic statistics organized under topics such as population size and gender, births, deaths, marriage and divorce.