Métis and Non-Status Indians

As of September 4, 2012, the part of the Office of the Federal Interlocutor (OFI) that deals with Métis and Non-Status Indians has joined the department's Policy and Strategic Direction branch in order to streamline program management and business processes to deliver efficient, effective and accountable programs.

The Métis and Non-Status Indian Relations Directorate works primarily with Aboriginal political organizations who represent the interests of Métis and non-status Indians (MNSI) and other off-reserve Aboriginal organizations.  In this role, the Directorate works to maintain and strengthen the Government of Canada's relationship with the two national Aboriginal organizations that represent MNSI people: the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples and the Métis National Council.  The Directorate is also responsible for leading the federal participation in self-government (tripartite) processes with provinces, Métis and other off-reserve Aboriginal organizations under the policy Federal Approach to the Implementation of the Inherent Right and Negotiation of Aboriginal Self-government (1995) and leading the Government of Canada's multi-faceted response to the Supreme Court's R. v. Powley (2003) decision.  The Directorate maintains a research network with universities and other leaders in the field to help support policy development, analysis and advice.