Completing Single ROEs

Note: As the Record of Employment (ROE) Web system is enhanced, some of the screens may change from the way they look in this guide.


There may be instances where you would rather complete an ROE on the screen instead of via the ROE Payroll Extract process. You can do that on ROE Web by using an electronic version of the paper form. As with the ROE Payroll Extract method, this version can be submitted electronically.

Note: We caution the use of the online ROE form when your normal method of submission is ROE Payroll Extract. If you submit the ROE via ROE Payroll Extract and make corrections on the online form after, those corrections will not be made in your payroll software. This will then lead to inconsistent information. We recommend that when the ROE Payroll Extract is used, all changes are to be made within your payroll software. You can then re-upload the ROE for issuance.

Please note that this user guide does not explain how to fill out an ROE form. For that information, please refer to How to Complete the Record of Employment Form.

Section 1 - How to create a new ROEs

1.1 To create a new ROE, click on RE under the ROE Menu on the left-hand side from the main page. Select the first option, Add New.

The Main Menu page in ROE Web

1.2 Once you click on Add New, the Privacy Statement screen will appear. You must agree to this privacy statement before you can proceed. Please read the statement and then click on Continue. Note that if you do not see this Privacy Statement screen when you click on Add New, it means that you have already seen it and agreed to the statement at some point during your session.

After you click on Continue, a screen version of the ROE, identical to the paper version appears.

For security reasons, a ROE-Web session can only stay inactive for a maximum of 18 minutes. When the session has 2 minutes left, an alert will pop up asking the user to click on the OK button if he wishes to continue working in ROE-Web. If the user clicks on the Cancel button or if he clicks on OK after the 2 minutes has expired, he or she will be brought back to the ROE-Web Welcome Page.

Please note that the ROE form shows a red star beside each of the mandatory fields. Some fields in the ROE are pre-filled with employer information such as employer name, address, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number (BN) and user information.

1.3 The first few boxes of the form contain the basic company information, such as Name, Address and CRA BN. This information is pre-filled as per the data your business provided when it registered for ROE Web.

Description: Blocks 1 to 5 of the online ROE form (Serial Number, Serial Number of ROE Amended or Replaced, Employer’s Payroll Reference Number, Employer’s Name and CRA BN)

Description: Blocks 1 to 5 of the online ROE form (Serial Number, Serial Number of ROE Amended or Replaced, Employer’s Payroll Reference Number, Employer’s Name and CRA BN)

1.4 If your company has more than one section or sub-company, and each has a separate BN or name, you can include them all in your ROE Web registration. You can also easily change the company information while you are filling out an electronic ROE by going to Block 4 and selecting the appropriate name from the drop-down menu. You will notice that this will automatically change the Address and the CRA BN, based on the information provided.

1.5 Several of the boxes on the screen have dropdown menus that make them easier to complete. Block 6 gives you options for choosing the type of pay period used for the employee. The options include (in the order they appear on the menu):

  • B - Bi-weekly
  • M - Monthly
  • O - Monthly non-standard (not the last day of the month)
  • S - Semi-monthly
  • E - Semi-monthly non-standard (not the 15th of the month)
  • H - 13 pay periods per year, and
  • W - Weekly.

Block 6 of the online ROE form (Pay Period Type)

1.6 Enter the employee’s Social Insurance Number (SIN) (nine digits, no letters) in Block 8. Enter the employee’s full name and address in Block 9. Note that if you enter an incorrect SIN in Block 8, you will receive an error message telling you that the SIN is invalid.

Blocks 8 and 9 of the online ROE form (Social Insurance Number and Employee’s  Name)

1.7 In Blocks 10, 11 and 12, you must enter the information pertaining to how long the employee worked for the company by completing the following fields: First Day Worked, Last Day for Which Paid and Final Pay Period Ending Date.

Ensure that the dates are entered correctly in the proper day/month/year format. The system will display the error message Please enter a valid date when you enter an invalid date and try to submit the form (see below).

Description: Block 12 of the online ROE form (Final Pay  Period Ending Date)

It is also essential that you enter the dates in the right sequence. If the Last Day for Which Paid date is before the First Day Worked date in Block 10, an error message Date cannot be earlier than first day worked will be presented in Block 11. If the Final Pay Period Ending Date in Block 12, does not correspond to the Last Day for Which Paid date in Block 11, or the Pay Period Type (Block 6), the error message The Final Pay Period Ending Date must end on the last day of the month will be presented.

Description: Blocks 10 to 12 of the online ROE form (First  Day Worked, Last Day for Which Paid and Final Pay Period Ending Date)  containing error messages

The error messages are removed once the errors are corrected and the ROE is submitted.

Description: Blocks 10 to 12 of the online ROE form (First  Day Worked, Last Day for Which Paid and Final Pay Period Ending Date) without any error message

1.8 Block 13 asks for the employee’s occupation and Block 14 asks if and when the employee is expected to be recalled back to work. If you select the third option Y – Recall Date, you must specify the recall date in the Expected Date of Recall box provided. Blocks 13 and 14 are not mandatory.

Description: Blocks 13 and 14 of the online ROE form  (Employee’s Occupation and Expected Date of Recall)

1.9 Remember that even if you enter the dates correctly, other fields could be affected by the information you have entered. For example, the amount entered in block 15, Total Insurable Hours According to Chart must not exceed the smaller of 8904 or (Last Day for Which Paid - First Day Worked +1) * 24. If the hours exceed the given limitation, an error message is presented.

Description: Block 15A of the online ROE form (Total  Insurable Hours) containing an error message

1.10 There is a chart link beside Blocks 15A, 15B and 15C which provides information on pay period types. To see the chart, click on the Help for block 15a, 15b or 15c link.

In box 15C, Insurable Earnings by Pay Period, input the amount for pay period 1, then either fill in the other pay periods manually or put a repeating amount into the Repeat same amount in all pay periods and click on the Repeat button. The system will automatically populate the necessary pay period fields for the period of employment, beginning at pay period 2. You may manually change any amount within any pay period if you need to adjust.

Description: Block 15A, 15B and 15C of the online ROE form  (Total Insurable Hours, Total Insurance Earnings and Insurable Earnings by Pay  Period)

1.11 You must choose the Reason for Issuing the ROE in Block 16. The different reasons include:

  • A - Shortage of Work/End of contract or season;
  • A - Employer Bankruptcy or Receivership;
  • B - Strike or Lockout;
  • C - Return to school;
  • D - Illness or Injury;
  • E - Quit;
  • E - Quit / Follow spouse;
  • E - Quit / School;
  • E - Quit / Health reasons;
  • E - Quit / Retirement;
  • E - Quit / Take another job;
  • F - Maternity;
  • G - Retirement;
  • G - Retirement / Approved Workforce Reduction;
  • H - Work sharing;
  • J - Apprenticeship Training ;
  • K - Other;
  • M - Dismissal;
  • M - Dismissal / Terminated within a probationary period;
  • N - Leave of Absence;
  • P - Parental; or
  • Z - Compassionate Care.

Description: Block 16 of the online ROE form (Reason for  issuing this ROE)

1.12 Block 16 also includes some pre-filled information. Just below the field where you enter the Reason for Issuing this ROE resides the name and telephone number of the person that Service Canada should contact if we have any questions about the information provided. The default contact names are entered through the Administration Menu (please see the Administration User Guide for more details).

1.13 Block 17 allows you to report Separation Payments. In Block 17A, you can select the type of vacation pay that the person received. The four options include:

  • Included with each pay;
  • Paid because no longer working;
  • Paid for a vacation leave period; or
  • Anniversary (paid on a specific date each year).

You can also enter the start and end dates of each payment and the amount, if applicable.

Description: Block 17A of the online ROE form (Separation  Payments – Vacation Pay)

1.14 Block 17B contains 10 blank lines in which you can enter dates and amounts for Statutory Holiday Pay.

Description: Block 17B of the online ROE form (Separation  Payments – Statutory Holiday Pay)

1.15 Block 17C (Other Monies) lets you select the different types of other monies that the individual may have received upon separating from the job. The options include:

  • A - Anniversary Payout
  • B - Bonus/Holiday
  • B - Bonus/Production/Incentive
  • B - Bonus/Event
  • B - Bonus/Staying/Contract Complete/End of Season
  • B - Bonus/Separation or Retirement
  • B - Bonus/Closure
  • B - Bonus/Other
  • C - Salary Continuance
  • E - Severance Pay
  • G - Gratuities
  • H - Honorariums
  • I - Sick leave credits
  • O - Other
  • Q - Profit Sharing
  • R - Retiring Allowance/Retirement Leave Credits
  • S - Settlement Pay
  • U - SUB Maternity/Parental (Top-up)
  • U – SUB Layoff
  • U – SUB Sickness
  • Y - Pay in Lieu of Notice

This Block also includes three fields where you can enter up to three start and end dates of the payments as well as the amounts. Start and end dates will only be presented when required according to the type of other monies chosen. You can enter up to three types of other monies.

Description: Block 17C of the online ROE form (Separation  Payments – Other Monies)

1.16 As seen below, Block 19 allows you to enter any monies that a person may have received for Paid Sick Leave / Maternity / Parental / Compassionate Care Leave or Group Wage Loss Insurance. Enter the start date of the payments and the amount and indicate whether these payments were made per day or per week.

Description: Block 19 of the online ROE form (Paid Sick/Maternity/Parental/Compassionate Care Leave or Group Wage Loss  Indemnity Payments)

1.17 Block 18 is the Comments section. Note that this section must be used sparingly, only when you have to add information that cannot be reported in any of the other ROE blocks.

1.18 Box 20 lets you indicate which official language you would like Service Canada to communicate with you in, while Blocks 21-22 are pre-filled with the telephone number (Block 21) and name of the Issuer (Block 22). You can also choose the language in which you would like to print the ROE. The default printing and communication language is the language in which you are working.

Description: Blocks 20, 21 and 22 of the online ROE form  (Issuer’s Communication Preferred In, Issuer’s Telephone Number, Name of Issuer  and Printing Language)

1.19 As with paper ROEs, users have to sign the on-line version of the form. Because this is an electronic version, you must attest to the trueness of the data, as well as certify that you are the user named in Block 22 by inputting a checkmark in the appropriate box of the block. If you do not check the box, an error message will be presented advising you that you cannot submit the ROE before checking the box and attesting to the information.

1.20 It is also easier to go directly to a particular field on the on-screen form. Clicking on the appropriate link on the left side menu will expand the list of fields under that option. You then click on the section you are looking for and you will be brought to that field.

For example, if you want to go to Block 16 - Reason for Issuing this ROE. That falls under the Employment option under the ROE Details menu on the left hand side of the screen. Once you click on Employment, the list of all blocks in that section will appear. You can then click on Reason for Issuing this ROE, and the cursor will jump directly to Block 16.

ROE Details menu of ROE Web

Section 2 - Help Options

2.1 The ROE section offers two different ways to get help when completing a box on the on-line form. The first is the link “Help for block” besides each heading.

Help for block 1, 2 and 3 of the online ROE form

2.2 Clicking on that link will bring you to the bottom of the page where information is displayed pertaining to that block. You can then click on the Return to block xx link provided to go back to where you were.

2.3 Your other option is to click on the Inline Help option, the first option listed under the ROE Details menu on the left sidebar menu of the screen. Clicking on this option will result in the help information appearing in each box. You can turn the Inline Help on or off at any time by clicking on the option.

Inline Help option of the ROE Details menu

2.3.1 If you have filled out an electronic ROE, then decided you want to start again from the beginning, you can wipe the screen clean by clicking on the Clear button underneath the Inline Help option. The Clear button clears all fields on the ROE form that you have completed. If you only want to change one or two fields, you must clear those out individually.

Section 3 - Submitting the ROE

When the ROE is completed and you have attested to the trueness of the data, as well as confirmed that you are the user named in Block 22 of the RE, click on the Submit button at the very bottom of the screen to submit your ROE.

Section 4 – Saving the ROE as a Draft

If for any reason you have completed an ROE but do not yet wish to submit it, clicking on the Save as Draft button at the very bottom of the screen will save the draft ROE in the ROE database for 15 days. If not submitted in that period, the draft will be deleted. No serial number is assigned to the ROE until it has been submitted to Service Canada and passed the edits. You must confirm the data entered as well as your identity to Service Canada in the same way explained above when you are saving a ROE as a draft.

Section 5 – Correcting the ROE

5.1 All ROE fields that failed the ROE validation will be marked in red in the left sidebar menu.

5.2 Clicking on the Expand and Collapse List option, the third one under the ROE Details menu will reveal all of the ROE fields and mark the fields containing errors with a stylized red X.

ROE Details menu and display of errors on the ROE

5.3 Clicking on the First Day Worked link will bring you directly to the field containing the error. Details of the error will appear as a red error message in the box itself.

Display of error on a specific block of the ROE

5.4 After correcting the errors and confirming your identity to Service Canada, click on Submit at the bottom of the page in order to submit the ROE.

If the ROE successfully passes all the validations, the Record of Employment (ROE) screen will appear with the ROE Submitted table.

Record of Employment (ROE) screen of ROE Web

If it has not passed the edits, you will see the error message “The ROE could not be submitted, the ROE was validated and saved as a draft. Check for errors or omissions on the ROE” at the top of the screen.

Note: ROE Web only allows you to retrieve 200 records per query. The system displays a maximum of 50 records on any of the selection screens. If there are more than 50 records, a Next button will be displayed at the bottom of the table. Click on that button to view the subsequent records.

Section 6 - How to finalize and submit draft ROEs

6.1 In order to finalize and submit a draft ROE, you must first retrieve it from the ROE Web database. Click on the Submit Draft option (ROE Menu) on the left hand side to retrieve the ROE. The ROE to Submit screen will appear.

ROE to Submit screen – Search Criteria in ROE Web

Search criteria on ROE to Submit screen, with descriptions

  • SIN: The employee’s SIN
  • Issue Date: All the ROEs issued within a certain time frame.
  • Employee Last Name*: The last name of the employee whose ROE you are looking for.
  • Employer’s Payroll Reference Number*: The payroll reference number used by your company.
  • CRA Business Number*: The 15-digit RP number provided by the CRA.
  • Division Name*: The name of the division under which the ROE was created.

* You have three options when using these search criteria: Exact, Begins With, and Ends With

6.2 After you enter your criteria, click on Search or press Enter. The system will search the database and will display a list of the ROEs that meet these conditions on the ROE to Submit screen in the ROE already created table.

At this point, you can only submit draft ROEs that have a check box in the To Submit column. Draft ROEs without a check box have not passed all validations and must be corrected.

ROE to Submit screen – Results of search in ROE Web

6.3 Once you submit the ROEs, the Record of Employment (ROE) screen will appear with a ROE Submitted table.

ROE submitted – Confirmation in ROE Web

Note: The ROEs is submitted directly to Service Canada. Employers therefore no longer need to mail a printed copy of the ROE to Bathurst.

Click on the link next to File to download to view or print the ROEs in your PDF reader.

Section 7 - How to amend ROEs

Invariably there will come a time when an ROE you submitted needs to be amended either because you have received new information or a mistake was made that was not detected by the system. ROE Web lets you amend an ROE whenever necessary.

7.1 To amend an existing ROE, click on Amend which is the third option under the ROE Menu on the left side of the screen. Only ROEs with a serial number assigned can be retrieved and amended. The ROE to Amend screen will appear with the following search criteria:

  • Serial Number
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Issue Date
  • Employee Last Name*
  • Employer’s Payroll Reference Number*
  • CRA Business Number*
  • Division Name*

* You have three options when using these search criteria: Exact, Begins With, and Ends With.

7.2 Once the search criteria have been filled, click on Search. The Search Result table will appear on the ROE to Amend screen.

ROE to Amend screen in ROE Web

7.3 Click on one of the links in the Serial Number column to amend the ROE and the ROE form will appear. The serial number of the original ROE has moved to Block 2, Serial Number of ROE Amended or Replaced. The following message is displayed at the top of the screen: “The ROE has been retrieved. Make any changes required to the ROE. You may save the ROE as draft and return to it later, or select Submit to issue an amended ROE, with the updated information”.

7.4 To amend the ROE, make the necessary changes and then click on Submit or Save as Draft if required once you have attested of the trueness of the data and have confirmed your identity.

7.5 The amended ROE has a new serial number and the original serial number was automatically switched over to Box 2:

Block 2 of the ROE containing a serial number amended or replaced

Note: The serial numbers on the above image starts with a T as the ROE was created and submitted on the ROE Web Training and Evaluation site. The serial numbers of ROEs submitted to Service Canada using ROE Web will always start with a W.

Section 8 - How to find ROEs

8.1 ROEs with or without a serial number can be retrieved for viewing and printing purposes. To find an ROE, click on Find, the fourth option under the ROE Menu on the left side of the screen. The Find ROE screen lets you define search criteria to retrieve an ROE. When searching for an ROE, you may choose either a previously submitted ROE or a draft ROE. The search criteria are the same as for Submitting or Amending a ROE:

  • Serial Number
  • Issue Date
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Employee Last Name*
  • Payroll Reference Number*
  • CRA Business Number*
  • Division Name*

* You have three options when using these search criteria: Exact, Begins With, and Ends With.

To obtain optimal results, search only by SIN or Serial Number. If those criteria are not available, limit your criteria.

Note: ROEs that were issued 6 or more years ago will not be displayed to conform to Privacy Legislation.

8.2 Once the search criteria have been filled, click on the Search button or press Enter. The Find ROE screen with the Search Result table will appear.

Find ROE screen in ROE Web

8.3 At this point, you may choose which ROE you would like to view by clicking on the linked Serial Number.

Section 9 - How to print ROEs

9.1 ROEs with or without a serial number can be retrieved and printed. To print an ROE, click on Print, the fifth option under the ROE Menu on the left side of the screen. The Print ROE screen lets you define search criteria to retrieve the ROE to be printed. The search criteria are the same as for Submitting, Amending and Finding a ROE:

  • Serial Number
  • Issue Date
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Employee Last Name*
  • Payroll Reference Number*
  • CRA Business Number*
  • Division Name*

* You have three options when using these search criteria: Exact, Begins With, and Ends With.

ROE to print screen in ROE Web

9.2 The ROE to Print screen with the ROE to Print table will appear.

This screen gives you the option to select Print Back Page. You have the choice of including the information that normally appears on page 2 of the ROE. This page contains useful information for people applying for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits.

From this screen, check the checkboxes next to the Serial Numbers of the ROEs you wish to print, and click on Create Report.

9.3 The ROE to Print – Confirmation screen will appear. Click on the link beside Download PDF Report. This will retrieve a PDF version of the ROE in your PDF reader.

ROE to print – Confirmation screen in ROE Web

9.4 The PDF version of the ROE looks exactly like the paper form. You can print it if necessary.

9.5 If you have just produced a single ROE and you want to print it right away, you don’t have to search for the ROE as described in section 9.1 above. When you complete the ROE and click on Submit, as per section 1.16 above, the Record of Employment (ROE) screen will appear where you can click on the Generate PDF file hyperlink. This will produce the ROE to Print – Confirmation screen as referred to in 9.3 above. You can then follow the steps described in 9.3 and 9.4 above to print the ROE you just created.

Section 10 - How to Import ROEs

The Import feature helps users amend any ROE they have already submitted if the payroll software they use enables them to do so. With the Import feature, users can see the details of any ROEs they’ve submitted, whether it was issued a serial number, saved as a draft, failed or rejected. Those that have a serial number can be reviewed so the user can go back in the software and make the necessary amendments.

10.1 To import an ROE, click on Import, which is the sixth option under the ROE Menu on the left side of the screen. This will bring up the Import ROE screen where the same criteria as for Submitting, Amending, Finding and Printing a ROE can be entered:

  • Serial Number
  • Issue Date
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Employee Last Name*
  • Payroll Reference Number*
  • CRA Business Number*
  • Division Name*

* You have three options when using these search criteria: Exact, Begins With, and Ends With.

The search will return results for any ROE that was issued, saved as draft, or rejected due to an error.

10.2 Once the search criteria have been filled, click on Search and the ROE to Import screen will appear. The Date Saved column only applies to Draft ROEs which do not yet have a serial number attached to them.

ROE to import screen in ROE Web

10.3 Click on a check box and click on Import Selected - Current Page to import the ROE information for the selected ROEs. The ROE to Import - Confirmation screen will appear. To see the details of the selected ROEs, click on the XML link beside Download Import ROE file.

ROE to import – Confirmation screen in ROE Web

10.4 Once you’ve clicked on the link, the XML file of the ROE will appear.

This example shows one ROE that has been issued, so the Issued Count equals “1”. Since no ROEs were passed (saved as drafts), failed or rejected based on the search criteria used, the total beside each is “0”. It also shows eight pieces of information from the ROE, including: Serial Number, Date Issued, Business Number, SIN, First Day Worked, Last Day for Which Paid, Final Pay Period End Date and Total Insurable Earnings.

How this information is used depends on if the type of payroll software you use allows you to amend uploaded ROEs via the ROE Payroll Extract function.

Description: XML file of a Web ROE

Section 11 - How to select your profile

11.1 To change the default profile, click on the Default Profile option which is the third option under the Administration Menu on the left side of the screen. The Business Profile Setup screen will appear. Choose the appropriate profile from the drop down list Select Default Contact, and click on Apply Change.

Business Profile Setup screen in ROE Web

11.2 The Default Profile line will display your selection.