Food labels

Making healthier food choices is as easy as learning to read food labels.

Nutrition information is found on packaged foods and includes the Nutrition Facts table, the ingredient list, and nutrition claims.

In this section you’ll find information to help reduce your risk of nutrition-related chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer. Learn how to understand and use the Nutrition Facts table, ingredient list, and nutrition claims to make healthier food choices for you and your family.


In this topic

Interactive tools

Interactive tool: interactive nutrition label

By exploring this interactive guide, you can learn how to use nutrition information to make more informed choices.

Interactive tool: nutrition label quiz

Once you've taken a tour around our interactive nutrition label: Get the Facts, why not test your knowledge by taking our interactive nutrition label Quiz.

Interactive tool: how to choose

Follow some simple steps to see if some of the foods you eat contain the nutrients your body needs.

Interactive tool: amount of food

Use this tool to help understand how the amount of food and the nutrient information work together on nutrition labels—and to tell you whether you are getting a little or a lot of calories and nutrients.

Interactive tool: how to compare

Use this interactive tool to learn how the Nutrition Facts table can help you compare food products and make a better choice for you.