Canadian National Railway Company Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries Incorporation Authorization Order, 1990



Registration 1990-06-21

Order Authorizing the Canadian National Railway Company to Procure the Incorporation of Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries

P.C. 1990-1187  1990-06-21

Whereas the Governor in Council, pursuant to subsection 91(6) of the Financial Administration Act, is satisfied that the Canadian National Railway Company is empowered to undertake the transactions described in the annexed Order;

Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport and the Treasury Board, pursuant to paragraphs 91(1)(a) of the Financial Administration Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Order authorizing the Canadian National Railway Company to procure the incorporation of wholly-owned subsidiaries.


 This Order may be cited as the Canadian National Railway Company Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries Incorporation Authorization Order, 1990.


 The Canadian National Railway Company is hereby authorized to procure the incorporation of two wholly-owned subsidiaries, 173335 CANADA INC and 173336 CANADA INC, under the Canada Business Corporations Act.

  • 1994, c. 24, s. 34(F).

 The transactions described in this Order shall be completed not later than December 31, 1990.