Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity Matters

CMHC offers a rich, diverse, vibrant and inclusive workplace that is reflective of the Canadian population we serve.

  • We recognize each employee’s unique talents and perspective.
  • We welcome and encourage everyone’s individual contribution to CMHC’s success.
  • We have a diverse workforce that helps connect with communities across the country to gain insights into a broad spectrum of housing needs and to communicate to all Canadians about our products and services.
  • We believe that when employees are comfortable in their environment and feel valued as individuals, they can reach their full potential and be inspired to do their best work.

At the end of the day, we want every employee to feel that “What I Do Matters.”


My name is Eleanor and the work I do enables Canadians to buy a home by accessing various mortgage financing options.

To me it's really important for Canadians to have a place they can call home. And while I work in the insurance area specifically focused on home ownership, it's fulfilling to be part of an organization that works across the housing continuum. The work that I do and the decisions we make have a direct impact on Canadians' ability to access home ownership.

CMHC is a great place to work if you're looking for a lot of diverse career opportunities. Within CMHC you can move around to different business lines and take on new responsibilities all under one roof.

While I don't get to talk to Canadians directly, I do talk with financial institutions on a regular basis and I help them to understand our policies, and it's rewarding to know that at the end of their phone line is a Canadian who is able to buy a home they can afford.

For me, it's the fact that my colleagues come to me looking for my knowledge and experience in my subject area, and I do the same for them as well. And being able to support my colleagues in achieving their objectives is a great feeling. Because what I do matters.


Employee Involvement

When you join CMHC you have the opportunity to participate in diversity committees and play a key role in ensuring that CMHC’s workplace is open and inclusive. People who join the committee are passionate about increasing awareness of diversity and inclusion.

A delicious Thai soup is on the menu at one of the multicultural potluck lunches.

For some employees, committee membership is an important part of their development plan and for others, a great way to extend their network of contacts throughout the corporation. For everyone, membership on the committee gives them an opportunity to work with a dynamic team, develop new skills and be involved in a topic that is a priority for the Corporation.

Committee members across the country work with their colleagues to encourage consideration of diverse perspectives when developing business strategies and plans. They organize celebrations and recognition for events throughout the year, for example, Aboriginal Awareness Day/Week, Black History Month, Asian Heritage Month, International Women’s Day and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender celebrations, by:

  • Bringing in speakers to raise awareness about diversity issues
  • Encouraging employees to share their own diversity
  • Celebrating cultural days of significance to our clients and employees
  • Organizing potluck lunches to share foods from different cultures

Because What I Do Matters

“If you’re looking for a place where diversity, individuality and creative thinking are valued, join CMHC.”

— Aaron, Senior Auditor, Ottawa

Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Workforce

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is evident in how we approach recruitment of new employees. We encourage people of different backgrounds, abilities, strengths, work experiences, life styles and cultures to consider working for CMHC to contribute in their unique way to our important goals.

We provide accommodations during the hiring process to ensure all candidates can compete fairly. As well, we address accommodation needs during on-boarding and orientation, and continue to support employee’s accommodation needs throughout their career.


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