Do you have a relative who fought in the Great War with the Canadian Expeditionary Force? Many of our grandfathers and great-uncles were part of WWI: Canadians were eager to defend the "homeland," many enlisting just days after the war was announced. In fact, by the end of its four-year duration 418,000 Canadians had fought in the Great War - 60,000 gave their lives "for king and empire" and are buried in the fields of Belgium and France.

The stories of these brave men were often passed down to relatives, and souvenirs from the war, postcards, letters, diaries and photos were often saved. If you have a story or piece of memorabilia associated with one of Canada's WWI soldiers, we want to post it here. Even something as simple as the name of the soldier and his regiment, or where he enlisted, will be included. Help us remember the contribution Canadian soldiers made to the Great War by helping us build an archive of their stories.

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Arbuckle, Lance Corporal Harold
Babcock, Private Herbert
Barlow, Sargeant Fred
Barlow, Private Ralph
Barlow, Private William
Becker, Corporal John Harold
Berry, Sergeant John Edward
Bradshaw, Private Robert E.
Brown, Signaller Robert Clarke
Candy, Sergeant Gilbert Walter
Chapman, Private Jack
Crook, Private Sidney John
Draper, Corporal William Henry
Ennis, Private Cecil
Ennis, Private Charles Irwin
Ennis, Private Orwell
Ennis, Private Wesley
Francis, Private Charles Ross
Freeman, Private Henry
Freeman, Private Jim
Gammell, Captain Alan MacKenzie
Gammell, Lieutenant Norman Frederick
Gowdy, Sergeant Charles Everton
Gowdy, Private Robert Wellington
Grant, Corporal Evan Alexander
Grant, Private Robert Nichol
Hadley, Private Bertie
Heighington, Captain Wilfrid
Hinton, Lance Corporal Frederick John
Hogle, Private Claude
Houghton, Private Joseph Herbert
Houghton, Private Robert Charles
Houghton, Private Tom Hadley
Jenings, Private Robert Lyndon
Kanalley, Private James Bernard
Keene, Private Harry William
Langford, Private Stuart Clifford
Longbottom, Corporal George Walter
Marchant, Private Frank
McBride, Private George Henry
McCarthy, Sergeant Austin Francis
McKenzie, Sergeant Jack
McNulty, Private Frederick John
Mitchell, Major Douglas
Mitchell, Private William Ralph
Montgomery, Private Robert Christopher
Potter, Private William Henry
Powley, Corporal James William
Rice, Lance Corporal Arthur George
Sager, Private Elmer
Sample, Private Harry Bertrand
Sample, Private William Clare
Schooley, Private Irwin
Schnell, Private Albert Henry
Shaw, Private William Leslie
Smith, Sergeant Guy
Stothers, Corporal John Cannon
Stewart, Lieutenant William John Alexander
Strachan, Private William Moody
Sutton, Lance Corporal John William
Swan, Private Calvin Anderson
Swan, Corporal James Albert
Triller, Private John George
Webster, Private Albert Victor
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