Be Tire Smart

Our National Consumer Education Program

TRAC is the industry's collective voice for educating consumers about the importance of proper tire maintenance. Through our national public education campaign, Be Tire Smart - Play Your P.A.R.T., the Association communicates important tire care information to consumers to promote safety and fuel efficiency to ensure tires perform well and last longer. 

TRAC's Be Tire Smart - Play Your P.A.R.T. campaign was created to encourage Canadian motorists to adopt good tire maintenance practices. By highlighting the benefits of properly maintained tires and encouraging consumers to adopt a few simple practices to increase their vehicle's fuel efficiency, reduce harmful emissions, save money, and improve road safety, it teaches consumers that proper tire care is simple and easy. The campaign focuses on four key areas of proper tire care: Pressure, Alignment, Rotation and Tread, but also educates motorists about other messaging around road safety and making informed decisions with respect to tires.

We offer an array of materials and resources to communicate this information, and during Be Tire Smart Week, TRAC conducts outreach to create public awareness about tire safety and proper tire care. To learn more about this program visit

Be Tire Smart - Play Your P.A.R.T.


Maintaining proper tire pressure is important for many reasons other than reducing the potential of a flat tire or a blowout. In order to achieve optimum handling from your vehicle, from everyday driving to making emergency maneuvers, tire pressure needs to be at the proper inflation level. Even a tire that doesn’t appear to be low on air can result in reduced vehicle handling and excessive tread wear. Tires that are not at the correct air pressure will also increase the rolling resistance (the friction that occurs when an object rolls) of the vehicle. Under-inflated tires, for example, result in increased rolling resistance and therefore require more energy (or fuel) to move the vehicle, which negatively impacts fuel economy.


Proper alignment is an important part of tire maintenance. Poor alignment will cause your tires to wear unevenly and you may experience handling problems, such as "pulling" or vibration. Poor alignment will also increase your fuel consumption. Common practice is to have your alignment checked annually, or every 25,000 km.


Regular rotation will minimize wear and prolong the life of your tires. Rotation will also reduce the risk of sudden tire failure.

Front tires work harder than rear tires as they must bear the scrubbing action of steering as well as rolling wear. You can prolong the life of your tires by rotating them. Full size spares should be part of the rotation pattern. Rotate your tires according to the vehicle manufacturer's recommendation, found in the owner's manual. Or, talk to your tire professional to find out how - and how often - the tires on your vehicle should be rotated. Common practice is to rotate tires approximately every 10,000 km.


Tires are designed to grip the road, allowing your vehicle to start, stop and go around corners safely in any weather. The treads that accomplishes this wear out over time, but drivers can take precautionary steps to prolong the life of their tires. 

It is extremely important to check your tire treads for signs of wear. Proper treads allow for normal handling of your vehicle and help prevent skidding and hydroplaning. Tires are manufactured with a "wear bar" that tells you when there is less than 1.6 mm (2/32 inch) of tread depth remaining. When you see this wear bar, the tire must be replaced. Drivers can also check their tire tread by placing a dime in the tire’s groove with the top of the sailboat facing down. If you can see the top of the sailboat, the tire needs replacing.

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