5 July 2019

Power, knowledge, and a feeling of pride

Members of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation community gathered for a retreat in the picturesque and inspiring surroundings of Mont Orford, Que for five days of learning, teaching, debate and discussion from May 26 – 30, 2019.

With the support of our world-class group of Fellows and Mentors, the Foundation is in a period of innovation in our programs, with a sharpened focus on empowering Scholars to have even more meaningful impact in their communities and institutions through their research.

The May Retreat was also a first chance for our new 2019 Scholars, Fellows, and Mentors to meet the rest of the community and share in the Foundation’s unique and outstanding network of researchers, academics, and decision-makers.


President's Message

Our community is going through an exciting period of innovation and transition. Many of you have expressed your optimism and exhilaration as we sharpen our focus on the empowerment of Scholars to have even more meaningful impact in the world through leadership training. 

At our community retreat in Orford, Que., last month, I had the opportunity to get to know many of the new 2019 Scholars, Mentors, and Fellows. Based on those conversations, I know we share the same passion about the future we are building together. 

The world has changed in many significant ways since the Foundation awarded its first doctoral fellowship in 2003. And so, it is our responsibility to see to it the Foundation innovate in order to shape and lead meaningful change. Our retreat was the preamble to the Institutes of Engaged Leadership, which will begin in earnest in Yellowknife this October. The Institutes place our Scholars at the heart of everything we do, to develop conscientious and audacious leaders who will take their research and bring meaningful impact in their institutions, communities, and the world.  

Our outstanding Fellows and Mentors will continue to play a vital role in developing the Institutes and supporting the Scholars as they strive toward reaching their dreams. These intellectual and spiritual guides enrich our common adventure of questioning, sharing of knowledge. We could not be better served! 

The Foundation has much to be proud of in its 16-year history. I am particularly proud to begin this new chapter which celebrates the belief that together we can bring together our talents and abilities to build a more just, equitable and diverse society. 

Let us ponder the wisdom of author Marguerite Yourcenar who, in Memoirs of Hadrian, wrote:

"To build is to collaborate with the earth: it is to put a human mark on a landscape that will be forever changed." 

In closing, I am grateful for your nimble hands and your creativity. In this era of reconciliation and rich diversity, you allow the landscape we inhabit to be shared, and imagine the horizons that await. 

Pascale Fournier
President & CEO

Welcoming the new PFC President

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is a proud member of Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) which facilitates collaboration and provides a voice for organized philanthropy through a professional network of thought-leaders.
PFC has recently appointed Jean-Marc Mangin as their new President and CEO, effective July 1, 2019. Mr. Mangin brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from more than thirty years in civil society, the Federal Government, and the UN, including over a decade in executive roles at the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, the Global Call for Climate Action, and CUSO. We look forward to collaborating with you!

Community Spotlight

  • 2011 Mentor Rita Deverell recently launched her new book American Refugees: Turning to Canada for Freedom.
  • 2016 Scholar Jesse Thistle’s debut memoir on being Métis, homeless and finding his way, From the Ashes will be available August 2019.
  • 2016 Fellow Adelle Blackett’s book Everyday Transgressions explores Domestic Worker’s Transnational Challenge to International Labor Law.
  • 2018 Scholar Billy-Ray Belcourt’s sophomore book, NDN Coping Mechanisms: Notes from the Field, is due out on Sept. 3, 2019.

Are you a Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholar, Fellow, Mentor, or member of the Alumni community and have a publication or news to share?



PETF Community Impact

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation promotes research and public dialogue on four themes that are critical to our collective future:
human rights and dignity, people in their natural environment, Canada and the world, and responsible citizenship.

With our support, 2018 Scholar Jayne Malenfant was able to facilitate two unique workshops that tackled questions of how we can approach participatory work, navigate community-academic partnerships and, ultimately, how lived experience – and particularly the experiences of young people – can be meaningfully integrated into academic research.

With your help, we can continue to support a community of people whose research and public engagement plays an important role in helping to build a better world.



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