Supporting the Foundation

We share your passion for research and public engagement on critical issues facing Canada and the world

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation promotes research and public dialogue on four themes that are critical to our collective future: human rights and dignity, people in their natural environment, Canada and the world, and responsible citizenship.

Give now

You can choose to support one of three funds with an annual gift to the Foundation:

  1. Give to the Greatest Needs Fund to support the Foundation with flexible, unrestricted funds;
  2. Contribute to an enriched public conversation by giving to the Public Interaction Fund; or
  3. Strengthen the long-term financial health of the Foundation by giving to the Endowment Support Fund;.

Donate now; to the area of your choice. To speak with us about a specific project for your gift, please contact us;.

By making a donation, you will double the value of your gift this year. Gifts made by cash, cheque, wire transfer, or donations of publicly-traded securities will be matched by the McCall MacBain Foundation.

A receipt for tax purposes will be issued for donations of $25 or more.  Our charitable registration number is 895438919RR0001.

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation is able to accept tax-deductible donations from US donors in partnership with CAF America. Please visit the Give Now page at CAF America’s website at to get started.

Thank you for making your donation today!