How is WHO responding to COVID-19?

Here are some of the ways WHO is responding in different regions and countries

Kenya’s Maasai community joins forces with WHO to prevent COVID-19

WHO has partnered with Kenya’s Ministry of Health to educate the semi-nomadic Maasai communities that move around the periphery of Nairobi.

Stop the spread. Save lives.

See this animation from the Pan American Health Organization.

Voice from the field: “Get the right items, to the right people, at the right time, for the right cause!”

Listen to the story told by Jan Erik Larsen - operations and logistics support at the WHO Regional office for the Western Pacific.


Polish medics bring Italian COVID-19 experience to Kyrgyzstan with WHO support

A team of medics from Poland went to Kyrgyzstan to share their experience from virus-hit Italy and transfer knowledge and skills to their peers. This support was part of the Emergency Medical Team initiative coordinated by WHO and was organized as a fast track to improving the care of COVID-19 patients in Kyrgyzstan.

Ten things WHO did to help countries in the Eastern-Mediterranean

WHO is on the frontline in the region - from testing suspected cases, training rapid response teams, providing protective gear for health workers, to getting the message out via social media, WHO is in a race against time to help countries respond and prevent further spread of the virus. 

WHO supports countries to mitigate COVID-19 spread in the South-East Asia Region

As the COVID-19  pandemic spreads, WHO is supporting countries in their containment and mitigation efforts such as by providing technical guidance, laboratory capacity strengthening for testing, equipment for hospitals and healthcare workers.

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