Supply Chain Ontario Logo

Information For Vendors

There are two sections of information that are key for vendors who would like to sell to governments in Ontario. The first covers selling to the ministries and agencies of the province, also known as the Ontario Public Service (OPS). The second covers selling to the organizations that comprise the Broader Public Sector (BPS) such as municipalities, educational organizations and healthcare facilities. Vendors should review both the following sections, keeping in mind that the basic principles are the same for both but that specific regulations may differ.

Supply Chain Centralization

Ontario is modernizing public sector procurement to create efficiencies, improve results and reduce costs. The government will engage stakeholders about the next steps and how these interim procurement measures will apply to them.

Here's what you need to know:


Doing Business with the Ontario Government

The 'Basics'

The 'Details'

Additional Resources

Doing Business with the Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS)