Road Talk: Ontario's transportation technology transfer digest

Road Talk is a technical newsletter produced by Ontario's Ministry of Transportation and distributed provincially, nationally and internationally. It is developed by the Division Services Office of the Provincial Highways Management Division.

Recent Issues

Vol 25, no 1: Spring 2020
Vol 24, no 3: Fall 2018
Vol 24, no 2: Spring 2018
Vol 24, no 1: Winter 2018
Vol 23, no 3: Summer 2017
Vol 23, no 2: Spring 2017 (PDF, 3.13 MB)
Vol 23, no 1: Winter 2017 (PDF, 2.17 MB)
Vol 22, no 3: Fall 2016
Vol 22, no 2: Spring 2016
Vol 22, no 1: Winter 2016
Vol 21, no 2: Fall 2015
Vol 21, no 1: Winter 2015
Vol 20, no 3: Summer 2014
Vol 20, no 2: Spring 2014
Vol 20, no 1: Winter 2014
Vol 19, no 2: Fall 2013
Vol 19, no 1: Spring 2013


Content focuses on new transportation technologies or innovations that can be implemented in transportation infrastructure related to:

  • design
  • construction
  • operations
  • maintenance
  • safety
  • the environment

Content may also include policy and regulatory changes that impact the ministry or provincial practices. Each issue contains recent technical developments from the Ministry of Transportation's researchers, scientists, and technical staff. Each article includes the names of ministry experts to contact for further information.


Road Talk is directed to:

  • Ministry of Transportation colleagues
  • technical counterparts at other road authorities in Ontario, across Canada and abroad
  • transportation service providers working in Ontario
  • academics conducting highway-related research
  • other transportation technology transfer agencies

Contact us

We always welcome feedback from readers. Please use the Reader Response link to submit suggestions, ideas or comments for future issues; or to be added as a Road Talk subscriber, and to receive notification of a new issue as soon as it becomes available.

Note: Crown copyright reserved, Ontario Ministry of Transportation. Contents of these newsletters may be reproduced with appropriate attribution to the ministry. Please send a copy of the reprinted article to the editor.

Opinions, conclusions, or recommendations found herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Ontario Ministry of transportation. Products referred to in these publications are for information purposes only and should not be considered as product endorsements.

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