
Ministry Priority: Integrating sustainability into the ministry's programs

Ontario's Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has a long and strong tradition of making significant contributions to the quality of life that we enjoy in Ontario.  Increasingly, however, factors such as climate change, demographic change, growing traffic congestion and increasing urbanization are putting pressure not only on the province's transportation system but also on the environment. Given the breadth and scope of our mandate, MTO has a unique opportunity to make a positive contribution towards greater sustainability in Ontario.

Our Approach

Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability in some form has always been part of the ministry's business but now it will fit under a cohesive framework that articulates a shared vision for the ministry. This framework, Sustainability inSight, will assist MTO in integrating sustainability into the ministry's programs, policies, and internal operations – one of the ministry's top priorities.

To read more about the strategy, please visit :

Sustainability Implementation Plan

The Sustainability Implementation Plan outlines the steps MTO is taking to become a more sustainable organization and support a more sustainable provincial transportation system.

To see the commitments that have been made in our first SIP, and to read about innovative sustainability initiatives already underway please visit the Sustainability Implementation Plan. (Pdf)

Sustainability in Action

Some Examples of Sustainability at MTO

Follow the links below to see what's already being done to foster a more sustainable transportation sector in Ontario.