Transportation planning in Ontario

CycleON: Ontario's cycling strategy

CycleON looks ahead 20 years and outlines what needs to be done to promote cycling across the province as a viable mode of transportation.

Greater Golden Horseshoe Transportation Plan

The Ministry of Transportation is developing a long-term, comprehensive and multimodal transportation plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH).

High Speed Rail in Ontario

Transforming mobility, connecting communities, integrating centres of innovation and fostering regional economic growth and development.

Result-based plan briefing books

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) strives to be a world leader in moving people and goods safely, efficiently and sustainably to support a globally competitive economy and a high quality of life. In fulfilling this vision, the ministry supports the key Ontario government priorities of creating jobs and growth, and of building this province up for all Ontarians.

Southern and Northern Highways Programs

The Southern Highways Program (SHP) and Northern Highways Program (NHP) are annually published, five-year investment plans for highway construction in southern and northern Ontario.

Special Advisor to Cabinet - Transit Upload and Transit Upload Advisory Panel: Terms of Reference

The Government of Ontario has committed to evaluate the benefits and implications of the province assuming responsibility for the TTC subway infrastructure.

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