Emergency preparedness

Learn about different emergencies and how to be prepared.

For information about current emergencies, visit ontario.ca/alert

Be prepared

Everyone in Ontario is encouraged to be prepared — by creating a plan, assembling an emergency survival kit and by staying informed.

Make a plan

Learn what situations you need to plan for, such as where to go in an evacuation or how to reach family members.

Build a kit

Everyone should have an emergency survival kit, with the supplies needed to be safe and take care of yourself and your family for at least three days.

Be informed

Learn about emergencies as soon as possible:

Disaster relief assistance

Helps municipalities, individuals, farmers, small business and non-profit organizations get back on their feet after a natural disaster.

Safety for all

No two households are the same. When building your family emergency plan, be mindful of the special needs and considerations of individuals in your own household. By evaluating your unique needs, you can better prepared for any situation.

Updated: August 20, 2021