Eliminate or reduce contacts

In-person interactions should be reduced as much as possible

  • Require work from home for all tasks that can be done remotely.
  • Operate virtually, including client services.
  • Set up processes for contactless transfer of items where possible, including during curbside pickup and delivery.

Decrease the risk when contacts are necessary

Keep people who are infected or exposed out of the workplace

Ensure physical distancing can be maintained

  • Limit the number of people in the space.
  • Free up more space where needed by using and repurposing all available indoor and outdoor areas at your facility.
  • Rearrange or remove furniture and fixtures to maintain separation.
  • Install shielding barriers such as plexiglass where practical.
  • Keep a distance of two metres between people.
  • Assign workers to workstations that are at least two metres apart.
  • Place floor markings to show people where to line up inside and outside.
  • Schedule tasks, shifts and breaks to reduce the number of people sharing the same spaces and how long they are there.

Use masks

  • Provide instruction and supervision to ensure all workers wear masks properly and consistently, including rules for while eating and drinking.
  • Select appropriate masks for your workers.
  • Ensure clients/patrons/public wear masks properly and consistently.
    • Consider providing or selling masks to those who don’t have one.
    • Instruct supervisors on how to enforce masking.
  • Provide service in alternative ways to customers who cannot wear a mask.
  • Ensure workers wear appropriate covid 19 personal protective equipment (PPE) for all tasks where the worker is or may be within two metres of an improperly or unmasked person.

Increase fresh air

  • Maintain ventilation systems according to manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Adjust systems to increase the amount of fresh air and reduce recirculation.
  • Keep windows and doors open as much as possible, weather permitting.
  • Use outdoor spaces whenever possible.

Promote cleaning and disinfection

  • Schedule cleaning/disinfecting of high-touch surfaces, common areas and shared items.
  • Specify products to be used for cleaning and disinfection and train workers on their safe use and disposal.
  • Provide access to soap and water and alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Require everyone to clean their hands before entering the workplace.
  • Require workers to clean their hands frequently and whenever needed.

Have a plan and communicate clearly


  • Post signage for workers and others about:
    • physical distance (including decals, arrows etc.)
    • capacity limits
    • screening and self-assessment
    • wearing masks
    • breaks
    • hand hygiene
  • Use multiple ways to provide information to workers and customers, such as intercom announcements, social media and posters.

Maintain your covid 19 workplace safety plan

  • Have a process for monitoring, keeping up with and sharing new provincial and local public health and workplace safety requirements for covid 19.
  • Develop a written safety plan (as required under the Reopening Ontario Act).
    • Include how to address new risks introduced by new measures.
  • Post your safety plan and make it available upon request as required.
  • Train workers on the measures and procedures in the plan.
  • Ensure supervision of the measures and procedures in the plan.  
  • Monitor to ensure your instructions are being followed.
  • Add covid 19 measures and procedures to the joint health and safety committee (JHSC) checklist for required monthly inspections.

Collect information and report as required

  • Track information about close interactions at your workplace as may be requested by the local public health unit for contact tracing.
  • Know how and when to report to the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.
Updated: July 05, 2021
Published: January 20, 2021