Hiring Steps

Here is a brief overview of our hiring steps. If you have applied online to a position, you may check to see which step we have reached in our hiring process.

Step 1: Job Advertising Job opportunities available on the OPS Careers are posted for a minimum of 10 working days. In addition, some of the job opportunities may be advertised on external websites. We continue to collect applications for a job advertisement until 11:59 EST on the closing date.

Step 2: Application Screening All applications received on or before the closing date are screened and rated against the qualifications outlined in the job ad. Applicants whose resume and cover letter best demonstrate how they meet the qualifications to do the job will be invited to continue in the hiring process.

Step 3: Evaluation This is your opportunity to show us how you best meet the qualifications outlined in the job ad. This is where we evaluate the candidates invited to continue in the hiring process. There will be a number of assessments based on the qualifications in the job ad, for example presentations or a written test usually including an interview.

Step 4: Selection of Successful Candidate We assess and rate candidates based on the results from the evaluation process in Step 3 to select the best-qualified candidate to fill the position. We are looking to hire the candidate whose qualifications best meet the requirements to do the job.

Step 5: Offer to the Successful Candidate If you are the successful candidate, we will contact you with a verbal offer of employment. If you accept, we will send you an appointment letter that will include information such as your start date, position classification, starting salary, and, if relevant, your bargaining unit and name and address of your bargaining agent.

Step 6: Position Filled We have completed the recruitment process and successfully hired the top candidate into the position.

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