Modern Public Service

Around the world and across Canada, governments are modernizing. We have been recognized as leaders in many areas. Over the past decade, we have been changing the way we work to continue to be leading edge and keep pace with the rising expectations of the public.

What does “modern” mean? It means being relevant, flexible and effective in dealing successfully with the pressures of today's fast-paced world and anticipating future challenges and opportunities.

  • A modern public service keeps pace with the rising expectations of citizens for high-quality, cost-effective public services. It manages across boundaries and operates as one enterprise
  • A modern public service focuses on achieving outcomes for citizens and ensures that people get value for their investment in public services. It is open and transparent.
  • A modern public service balances accountability for outcomes with the flexibility to achieve them. It nurtures innovation, while managing risk.
  • A modern public service is a professional organization that values its people and develops their capacity to learn, lead and thrive in a changing environment.

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