Our Recruitment Philosophy

Provide employment accommodation during the recruitment process
During the recruitment process, applicants have the right to request accommodation.

Applicants invited to participate in an assessment process (such as an interview or testing) and who require accommodation, should discuss their needs with us.

For instance, someone with a disability may require alternate formats for written materials, or physical adjustments to a computer set-up.

Everyone is different, so we will take into account individual accessibility needs.

Another type of accommodation would be a candidate request to reschedule an interview or testing date because of a religious holiday.

Hire Based on Merit
All our recruitment decisions are based on valid, practical and measurable approaches that ensure hiring on the basis of merit. This means hiring the candidate whose qualifications best meet the requirements to do the job.

Provide Broad Access
We are committed to providing broad access to employment opportunities so that diverse job seekers can apply to positions across Ontario and to ensuring our workforce represents the diverse communities we serve. There are no geographic restrictions on positions available to the public. In addition, we have targeted outreach and advertisements of job opportunities to various communities across Ontario.

Demonstrate our OPS values
Our recruitment process reflects our mission to serve the public interest and uphold the public’s trust. It demonstrates our commitment to our values of trust, fairness, diversity, excellence, creativity, collaboration, efficiency and responsiveness.

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