Summer Student Jobs with the Ontario Public Service

Learn. Grow. Contribute.

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2021 Summer Employment Opportunities Program posting date for all job types: February 25, 2021

Student job ads are posted on the Ontario Public Service Careers website and have varying application deadlines.

Review the 2021 application deadlines and apply for the student jobs which you are interested in.


Every year, the Ontario Public Service, related agencies and community groups, provide up to 5,000 students with jobs across the province. These jobs help Ontario students with limited work experience develop transferable skills, support their career goals and learn more about the Ontario Public Service! Summer Employment Opportunities are full-time, temporary positions ranging from 7 – 18 weeks between May and September.

We offer over 70 student jobs in the following career fields:

  • Administration
  • Agriculture and Livestock
  • Business
  • Clerical
  • Customer Service
  • Enforcement
  • Engineering
  • Environment
  • Information Management
  • Language
  • Maintenance
  • Ontario Place
  • Ontario Parks
  • Policy
  • Science
  • Social Services
  • Technology

For more information, explore the Types of Student Jobs.

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