Adult learning

Take courses to improve your reading, writing and math skills, your English or French or to get your high school diploma.

Who this is for

Adult learning programs are for Ontario residents ranging from 19 years old through to seniors of any age.

If you are not currently attending a college or a university, life-long learning can help you:

  • earn credits for an Ontario high school diploma
  • upgrade your skills to prepare for college, university, apprenticeship training or employment
  • improve essential skills to live with more confidence and independence

Some adult learning programs are for skilled immigrants and refugees who want to:

  • improve their language skills in English or French
  • continue working in their profession or in a related field

Get help understanding some adult learning terms.

All programs

Literacy and basic skills

For adults 19 years or older looking to develop their reading, writing, math, computer and other skills to get further education, apprenticeship training and employment.

Ontario high school diploma

For adults who want to earn high school credits towards their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or need academic credits to enter postsecondary education or apprenticeship training.

General education development (GED®) certificate

For adults who need to take the GED® test as proof of high school level knowledge.

Academic career entrance

For adults who want to upgrade their skills and knowledge to meet admission requirements for Ontario college programs or for registration as an apprentice in Ontario.

English as a second language

For immigrants and refugees looking to improve their English.

French as a second language

For immigrants and refugees looking to improve their French, when French and English are not their first language.

Ontario bridge training program

For skilled immigrants and refugees looking to continue their career in Canada.

Updated: July 20, 2021