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Through this ministry, the government has been promoting heritage conservation for many years, adjusting its role to meet changing needs and circumstances.

The government of Ontario recognizes that our heritage tells us who we are, where we have come from and what we have accomplished. This knowledge is a source of strength and confidence.

  • We support provincial ministries, agencies, heritage organizations, museums and archaeologists in order to conserve and present Ontario's rich cultural heritage.
  • We educate municipal councils, municipal staff, Municipal Heritage Committees, land use planners, heritage professionals, heritage organizations, property owners, and others by developing tools (such as the Ontario Heritage Tool Kit).

In carrying out our role for heritage, this ministry complies with the Ontario Heritage Act.

We are also guided by international standards and practice set out by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS International). Its International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (the Venice Charter) provided for the creation of ICOMOS in 1964.

ICOMOS Canada, one of the 80 National Committees that belong to ICOMOS International, has two important charters:

What's new

Heritage Places of Worship: A Guide to Conserving Heritage Places of Worship in Ontario Communities

Cover image of the Heritage Places of Worship publication

Ontario’s heritage places of worship have helped to build and define our communities. They continue to be celebrated and respected as community landmarks and centres of spirituality and community service. 

The Heritage Places of Worship: A Guide to Conserving Heritage Places of Worship in Ontario Communities is a resource to assist municipalities, property owners and heritage organizations when planning for and making decisions on the conservation of heritage properties that are built or adapted as places of worship.

The Guide is an addition to the ministry’s Ontario Heritage Tool Kit and is another resource to support heritage conservation efforts in municipalities.