Response to COVID-19

COVID-19 information related to laws and regulations, courts, justice services, emergency orders, tribunals, boards, commissions and Attorney General reports to the speaker under the CRMA.

Last updated: October 13, 2021

On this page: 

Laws and regulations


Justice services

Emergency orders

The Emergency Program Act and related orders help government to respond to disasters and emergencies in B.C. Under a state of emergency, the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General can issue orders under authority given to him by the Emergency Program Act.

Tribunals, boards and commissions

Information on tribunals, boards and commissions in response to COVID-19. 

Attorney General reports to the speaker under the CRMA

Under Section 4 (2) of the COVID-19 Related Measures Act (CRMA), the minister responsible for the administration of the CRMA must report to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly on any regulation made under that Act. Such a report must be made within five business days from the date the regulation was made, and must contain a copy of the relevant regulation. On receipt of a report under this section, the legislation requires the Speaker to lay the report before the Legislative Assembly as soon as possible.
The following reports have been submitted to the Speaker as per the requirements of CRMA: