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Sandy (Alexander) Campbell
Nadia Isler
Barbara Porrett
Anne - Marie Schryer - Roy

ID : 57191
Ajouté le : 2004-03-16 10:58
Mis à jour le : 2005-10-11 10:21
Refreshed: 2006-01-26 05:41

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Mike Rowson and David Sanders visit IDRC to discuss the findings of the Global Health Watch 2005/2006 October 1, 2005
On September 29, 2005, Mike Rowson and Professor David Sanders visited IDRC headquarters in Ottawa to describe the findings of the Global Health Watch 2005/2006 and discuss issues surrounding the next report, to be published in 2007.

Bellagio Conference on International Nurse Migration August 2005

The Conference, which was hosted from July 5-10, 2005, by AcademyHealth, discussed the causes and consequences of nurse shortages as well as strategies to address the problem. Recommendations and presentations from the experts that attended the international meeting are now available on-line.

Anti-retroviral Conference in the Free State, South Africa: Report 2005-07-04

With the elation that comes from administering life-giving drugs to HIV/AIDS patients who previously had no hope, comes the stress on the public health system of handling a complex life-long treatment for millions of patients to come. Researchers, doctors, nurses, and field workers came to the Free State’s provincial capital of Bloemfontein at the end of March 2005 to report on the early impact of anti-retroviral treatment (ART) reflecting the early gains achieved within the first year of the rollout in South Africa.

Global Health Research Funding July 2004
July 2004The Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI) team would like to inform you of two upcoming funding opportunities. The Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH) is pleased to launch a Priority Announcement in Global Health Research for CIHR's 2004 fall competition. Further details can be obtained through the Global Health Research Initiative Funding Announcements 2003-2004 website - http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/services/20497.shtml

Buckling: The impact of AIDS in South Africa December 14, 2005
A path-breaking new publication on the impact of AIDS in South Africa, by Heins Marais and published by the Centre for the Study of AIDS, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Guide sur le financement des projets de recherche en santé 4 janvier 2006

La Coalition canadienne pour la recherche en santé mondiale est heureuse de vous présenter le Guide sur le financement des projets de recherche en santé

Demande de communications - Association canadienne de santé publique (ACSP) 30 novembre 2005
L’Association canadienne de santé publique (ACSP) annonce le lancement de la demande de communications pour sa 97e Conférence annuelle. La conférence aura lieu à l’hôtel Fairmont Vancouver à Vancouver (Colombie-Britannique) du 28 au 31 mai 2006.

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