Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) Canada     
ACCUEIL crdi.ca > Activités de recherche > Politique sociale > Gouvernance > Recherche, moteur d'action > Projets
Recherche, moteur d'action
     À propos de...
        Fonds mondial (FMSTP)
        GEH Projects
        RM Projects
        RM1001 Valorisation
        RM1003 W. Afr to Durban
        RM1004 INSP to CALASS
        RM1008 SMS Campaign
        RM1010 HST ART
        RM1014 ARV Conference
        RM1026 MSP Radio
        RM1027 Portal Sites
        RM1037 AIDS Bulletin
        RM1041 Ifakara
        RM1043 Neglected Child
        RM1044 Swiss to Arg.
        RM1047 Burkina Research
        RM1048 Can. to Zam.
        RM1050 CHESSORE Video
     Axes thématiques
     Conferences, Evènements
     Moteurs de recherche
     Plan du site
     Contacter RM
Sandy (Alexander) Campbell
Nadia Isler
Barbara Porrett
Anne - Marie Schryer - Roy

ID : 68402
Ajouté le : 2004-12-15 16:40
Mis à jour le : 2005-09-13 15:19
Refreshed: 2006-01-26 05:41

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Projets, Activités et Échanges

Les projets, activités et échanges que RM supporte en 2004-2005 sont présentés ici. Ci-dessous, vous trouverez une liste des projets et activités RM, ainsi qu’une liste des échanges de chercheurs supportés par RM. Cliquez sur le numéro de projet (ex. RM1008) pour une courte description du projet ou de l’échange, incluant tous les liens pertinents.

Projets and Activités

RM1001Plan de Valorisation: advancing research evidence in Sénegal, Burkina Faso and Côte d'IvoireAssociation burkinabé de santé publique (ABSP)
RM1008SMS Campaign: Using text messaging to circulate the petition on the Rights of Women in AfricaFahamu
RM1014Seed Funding for ARV Conference in the Free State Province, South Africa (March 30-31 and April 1, 2005)Centre for Health Systems Research and Development (CHSRD), Free State Department of Health (FSDoH)
RM1026Broadcasting MSP research results across South AfricaMunicipal Services Project (MSP)
RM1027Providing internet training and support to African health equity organizationsFahamu

Supporting dissemination and
publicization of GEH-funded "Social Protection in Health" project

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), AcademyHealth
RM1037Producing a Special Edition of the AIDS Bulletin: Strengthening Health Systems through Anti-retroviral TherapyMedical Research Council of South Africa (MRC)
RM1041Disseminating research results on Community Voice via workshopping, CD-ROM and video. Results . . .Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre (IHRDC)
RM1043Supporting the production of a documentary entitled, "The Neglected Child": women, children and anti-retroviral therapy in UgandaChild Health and Development Centre (CHDC), Makerere University
RM1047Developing a Research-Action protocol concerning the poor's access to care in Burkina FasoAssociation burkinabé de santé publique (ABSP), Université de Laval
RM1050Developing Audio-Visual Capacity at CHESSORECentre for Health and Social Science Research, Lusaka Zambia

>>voir aussi le partenariat RM-EQUINET .

Échanges de chercheurs

RM1003West African Network to EquinetWest African network
RM1004INSP delegation to ALASS Conference, Bucharest, RomaniaInstituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP)
RM1010HST anti-retroviral therapy researcher to BotswanaHealth Systems Trust (HST)
RM1038Researchers to Global Forum for Health Research (Mexico City)

EQUINET, AcademyHealth, Pontificia Universidad Javierana, Free State Department of Health (FSDoH), United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Health, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

RM1044Swiss delegation to Argentinian conference on concepts of "Governance"Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR)
RM1048Canadian delegation to Zambia for GOVern workshop and CHESSORE partnershipLori Hanson, University of Saskatchewan; CHESSORE, Lusaka Zambia

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