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Nasreen Jessani
Sandy (Alexander) Campbell
Anne - Marie Schryer - Roy
Suzanne Fournier

ID : 26428
Ajouté le : 2003-02-20 10:57
Mis à jour le : 2005-10-11 11:53
Refreshed: 2006-01-26 06:10

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Bases de données des partenaires de recherche GES

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Academic Search Premier
Base de données en texte intégral donnant accès à une collection multidisciplinaire de revues savantes. Recense 4 270 titres de périodiques, le texte intégral est disponible pour 3 300 de ces titres; 2 410 articles revus par comité de lecture. Inclut le texte intégral d'articles de revues tels Latin American Research Review, Gender and Education, Lancet, Journal of Modern African Studies, Development & Change, Third World Quarterly et Knowledge, Technology & Policy. Les numéros récents de certaines revues ne sont pas disponibles en texte intégral. Voir le guide de recherches pour plus d'information.

La base de données de la U.S. National Library of Medicine est une source reconnue dans le domaine des citations bibliographiques et résumés reliés à la médecine, sciences infirmières, art entaire, médecine vétérinaire, régime de soins de santé, sciences récliniques et biomedicaux. Période couverte: 1966 à nos jours. Voir le guide de recherches pour plus d'information.

Index de citations de débats d'actualité des affaires publiques, politiques et sociales. Les thèmes couverts sont l'approche politique, sociale et économique concernant les domaines d'intérêt et de préoccupation relatifs aux gouvernements; des banques, de la justice, du commerce, des relations internationales, de la sociologie, de la démographie. Répertorie des résumés d'articles de revues, livres, annuaires statistiques, répertoires, compte-rendus de conférences, rapports de recherche et publications gouvernementales. Documents dans toutes les langues avec fiches et résumés en anglais. Période couverte: 1972 à nos jours. Voir le guide de recherches pour
plus d'information.

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One of the Eldis RSS newsfeeds on major development issues
Country profiles and key indicators for population and reproductive health (2006-01-24 01:15:48) These profiles present information on the population policy and reproductive health programme situation in each country in five regions. It looks at the need in almost all countries to expand considerably both donor and domestic resource mobilisation efforts in order to meet pressing unmet needs, especially in family planning, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS services and prevention. In particular, the report outlines the objectives of the countrys formal population policy, if there is any, or of population-related components
How effective is the South African School Nutrition Programme? (2006-01-24 01:15:48) The South African School Nutrition Programme was established in 1994 to address the food needs of impoverished school children. However, researchers are divided about the policy value of the school nutrition programme, with one group wishing to expand the programme whilst the other advocates limiting its scope. This paper argues that the lack of balance between school feeding and other nutritional considerations de-legitimises the programmes narrow targeting and strengthens arguments for the expansion
Putting pleasure first in AIDS prevention and sexual health promotion (2006-01-24 01:15:48) The Pleasure Project mapped initiatives taken around the world which use pleasure as a primary motivation for promoting sexual health. This resource presents these initiatives, including: sex-positive books for teenagers meetings about sexual pleasure and safer sex programmes which eroticise male and female condoms work with Churches to improve sex among married couples erotica designed for HIV- positive people pleasure and harm-reduction counselling for sex workers safe and sexy erotic
Promoting a rights based approach to LGBT and intersex issues (2006-01-24 01:15:48) This report is based on a study of Swedish policy and administration of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) and intersex issues in international development cooperation. Key findings show that: the level of knowledge and understanding among Sida and Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) staff on LGBT and intersex issues is uneven and often deficient there is a limited awareness of the linkages between gender identity and sexuality, and core development issues such as poverty
Governments failing to provide adequate sexual and reproductive health services for young people in the Arab States and Iran (2006-01-24 01:15:48) This research reviews young peoples sexual and reproductive health (YPSRH) and gender issues affecting young people ages 1024 in 19 Arab States and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The situation analysis revealed an urgent need for investment in young peoples programmes and for increased attention to this age group. The main findings include: there is rising age at marriage for both males and females, however, early marriage is still a problem in pockets of all societies, and there are
Successes of a reproductive and child health programme in Ghana (2006-01-24 01:15:48) The Navrongo initiative is a reproductive and child health programme which uses research to accelerate policy implementation. This paper presents the Navrongo initiative in Ghana, describing the project, its impact and issues relating to scaling up the project to a national level. The findings show that posting nurses to communities reduced childhood mortality rates by half, accelerating attainment of the childhood-survival MDG within five years. Adding community- mobilisation strategies and volunteer
Demand for health care services in Uganda (2006-01-24 01:15:48) Health is a fundamental dimension of well-being and a key component of human capital development. Previous studies have shown that ill health is a major cause and consequence of poverty. There is also evidence showing that poor people utilise health facilities less, and their utilisation patterns indicate a preference for more expensive private health facilities. This paper investigates if the poor and other socially vulnerable groups are being reached and what factors are affecting their demand for health
Training: Short course on public health in complex emergencies, 6-18 March 2006, American University of Beirut, Lebanon (2006-01-24 01:15:48) The Faculty of Health Sciences at the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon, will be holding a short course on 'Public Health in Complex Emergencies' from 6 to 18 March, 2006. The purpose of the 12-day course is to improve the quality of public health assistance available to refugees and displaced persons involved in emergencies. Key aspects of public health in complex emergencies to be covered include: epidemiology, nutrition, communicable disease, reproductive health, psychosocial issues, ethical
Job: IWHC is seeking a Vice President, Communications Program, based in New York City, USA (2006-01-24 01:15:48) IWHC is seeking a Vice President, Communications Program, based in New York City. The Vice President will together with the President, Executive Vice President (EVP), and Vice President, International Policy and Regional Programs (VP IP/RP), help design overall institutional strategies and programmes, with a focus on maximising IWHC's effectiveness with multiple constituencies on priority issues; accuracy, persuasiveness and reach of materials and messages; and full engagement of staff, Board and international
Toolkit for mens reproductive health care (2006-01-24 01:15:48) This training package is designed to provide a broad range of health care workers with the skills and sensitivity needed to work with male clients and provide men's reproductive health services. The 'Counseling and Communicating with Men' section focuses on strengthening service providers' ability to interact with, communicate with, and counsel menwith or without their partnerson reproductive health issues. Topics include counselling and communication approaches, provider biases toward and against men
Drinking alcohol is a serious issue in modern Russia (2006-01-24 01:15:48) According to the authors, the problem of alcoholisation in the Russian society is considerably worse off than before and is even aggravating in spite of the growing economy. The level of alcohol consumption in Russia is one of the highest in the world. The consequences for the society are very serious about a third of all deaths in the country are directly or indirectly caused by alcohol. The project studies the demand for alcohol by means of econometric analysis based on individual data from
Household water filters prevent diarrhoea in Bolivia (2006-01-24 01:15:48) Diarrhoea is the biggest cause of illness and death among children under five in Bolivia, with an estimated 500,000 cases and 7,900 deaths annually. Some 45 percent of people in rural areas lack access to safe water. Ceramic filters could improve household water quality and reduce the risks of diarrhoea.
Comparing maternal health services in four countries (2006-01-24 01:15:48) While the availability and use of trained midwives can shape the quality of care received in pregnancy and childbirth, a number of other underlying health systems structures and processes are important. The management of health workforces, the mix of public and private provision and the impact of reforms affect quality of care across countries.
Micronutrient supplements and birthweight in Nepal (2006-01-24 01:15:48) A third of all deaths happen in children younger than five years, mostly in the neonatal period. Low birthweight causes many of these deaths. Twenty-five million low birthweight infants are born every year. Antenatal multivitamin and mineral supplements could increase infant birthweight and prevent some of these deaths.
Reducing the number of newborn babies dying in Brazil (2006-01-24 01:15:48) One of the Millennium Development Goals is to reduce child mortality by two-thirds by the year 2015. In many middle income countries more than half of deaths in young children happen during the first four weeks after birth. These countries need to address the problem if they are to achieve the Millennium Development Goal.
Family networks and primary education for Zimbabwes HIV orphans (2006-01-24 01:15:48) Before the HIV epidemic, orphans in Zimbabwe did not seem to suffer at school. But now, children orphaned by HIV are at an educational disadvantage. The breakdown of extended family orphan care arrangements may be to blame.
Protecting HIV-infected Zambian children against opportunistic infections (2006-01-24 01:15:48) Evidence suggests that co-trimoxazole can help prevent bacterial infections in HIV- infected children. The drug, which is cheap and widely available, has been recommended for infants of HIV-positive mothers and for certain HIV-positive children after infancy. How effective is this drug when bacterial resistance is high?
Analysis on demand: demand side issues in pro-poor health policy (2006-01-24 01:15:48) The term demand side is seen more and more in health planning and policy documents. It refers to the behaviour and inputs of health service users but means different things to different people. These multiple demand side approaches pose major challenges for governments and aid agencies.
A public-private partnership: fighting tuberculosis in South Asia (2006-01-24 01:15:48) Tuberculosis is the most common cause of death in adults. Many tuberculosis patients in South Asia, the worst affected region of the world, receive very poor treatment from private doctors. A public-private partnership has been set up in Nepal to improve the treatment of the disease.
Rectal artemether treats cerebral malaria in Ugandan children (2006-01-24 01:15:48) Cerebral malaria is the most severe and life- threatening complication of malarial infection. Delays in treatment increase the chance that the disease will be fatal. A study in Uganda compared the efficacy and safety of rectal artemether against the standard treatment, intravenous quinine. Findings suggest that rectal artemether could be used to treat cerebral malaria in children where intravenous facilities are not available.

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