Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) Canada     
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Nasreen Jessani
Sandy (Alexander) Campbell
Anne - Marie Schryer - Roy
Suzanne Fournier

ID : 30878
Ajouté le : 2003-05-30 11:37
Mis à jour le : 2006-01-26 11:37
Refreshed: 2006-01-26 11:40

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Results - Canadian International Immunization Initiative (CIII2)
Operational research grant proposals approved for funding |

Subventions pour des projets pilotes de recherche en santé mondiale Demandes reçues et approuvées | (Continuer?)

Initiative de recherche en santé mondiale (IRSM)

IDRC with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and Health Canada (HC) has entered into a cooperation arrangement aimed at coordinating and building upon Canada's global health research activities.

The Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI) marks a first in Canadian history to bring together knowledge, experience and resources of overseas development agencies, the Canadian Health department and the major federal health research funding agency of Canada. Each organization brings its own specific area of expertise to the table:

  • Health Canada's considerable knowledge base and recognized leadership;
  • IDRC's experience with research in developing countries;
  • CIDA's considerable development experience and its emphasis on evidence-based health development, and
  • CIHR's strong tradition of excellence in research through the peer-review process.

The collaborative approach serves as a framework for research projects and programs carried out in partnership between two or more of the participating agencies.

A small secretariat housed at the CIHR offices in Ottawa is responsible for ongoing activities of the Global Health Research Initiative. The GHRI is directed by representatives of the four funding agencies who meet regularly.The GHRI liaises closely with the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR) which was created informally in the fall of 2001.

The CCGHR is a network of health researchers, funders, nongovernmental organizations and other stakeholders committed to supporting the pursuit of effective global health research by ensuring that all these groups work together as effectively as possible in partnership with researchers in developed and developing countries.

The Coalition’s membership is continually growing through the efforts of the Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI) partners and Coalition members to engage the broader community by sharing a platform with events such as the annual Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH) Conference.

    • Teasdale-Corti Global Health Research Partnership Program
      The Teasdale-Corti Global Health Research Partnership Program is an innovative new collaborative health research program developed by founding partners of the Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI) - CIHR, IDRC, Health Canada and CIDA – with input from the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF) and Canadian and developing country partners.


    Towards a Healthier Global Village Slim Haddad, David Zakus, Katia Mohindra, Xao Lin Wei 2002-05-30
    Promoting Canadian Involvement And Capacity Building In Global Health Policy And Systems Research: Perspectives And Recommendations. A discussion paper prepared for the Institute for Population and Public Health.

    GHRI Memorandum of Understanding CIHR, CIDA, Health Canada and IDRC 2001-11-19
    Memorandum of Understanding In Support of Better Health for the Poor: A Canadian Collaboration for Global Health Between The Canadian International Development Agency, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Health Canada and the International Development Research Centre

    Setting Global Health Research Priorities Ronald Labonte and Jerry Spiegel 2001-06-15
    Précis d'un document de travail préparé pour l'Institut de la Santé Publique et des Populations. Ouvrir le fichier

     site web

    Coalition for Global Health Research Canada
    The Coalition's web site

    Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI)
    CIHR Secretariat for the GHRI

    Results - Canadian International Immunization Initiative (CIII2)
    Operational research grant proposals approved for funding

    Subventions pour des projets pilotes de recherche en santé mondiale
    Demandes reçues et approuvées

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