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Attorney General Announces Newmarket Judicial Appointment
February 3 — Attorney General Michael Bryant today announced the appointment of Peter Bourque as a provincial judge to the Ontario Court of Justice, effective February 15, 2006 ... News Release

January 5, 2006: Helping Police And Prosecutors Get Criminals With Guns Off The Street   Premier's News Release   New Initiatives Backgrounder   Strategy Backgrounder

January 4, 2006: Attorney General To Establish New Law Commission Of Ontario

December 16, 2005: Attorney General Announces Thunder Bay Judicial Appointment

December 14, 2005: Court Rules Christopher's Law Constitutionally Valid In All Respects

December 9, 2005: Ontario Government Announces Chair And Members Of Hate Crimes Community Working Group   News Release   Backgrounder

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Last Updated: 2/3/2006 12:37:44 PM

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