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Featured occupation
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Opportunities and benefits
Careers and programs

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A truck. A job in road transportation.

Thinking of a job in road transportation ? 3,800 truck drivers are needed for 2004-2005 with even greater demand in coming years!

“Deciding to become a heavy vehicle mechanic, a dispatcher or a truck or bus driver means taking on an exciting career! And companies are welcoming new recruits with open arms. This means young people can count on finding work once they've completed their training.”

Claude Chouinard
Director General
Comité sectoriel de main-d'œuvre de l'industrie du transport routier au Québec

Featured occupation: Truck driver

Not only do you drive your vehicle, you also plan your schedule and your itinerary. You must be familiar with existing regulations, you supervise the loading and unloading of your truck and ensure that it is safe.

“I previously worked in other fields and didn't like being stuck inside all day long with my boss looking over my shoulder. I enjoy driving and the beautiful countryside, along with my independence. Working as a truck driver virtually lets me be my own boss, while having new experiences each day and meeting all kinds of people.”


- Patience
- Excellent ability to withstand
   stress and fatigue
- Autonomy
- Responsible
- Good sensory acuity
Personal interests

- Likes driving
- Likes working with his/her hands
- Likes feeling autonomous
- Likes new experiences
- Likes traveling

Opportunities and benefits

Average annual salary: between $30,000 and $60,000
Placement rate: 90%
Opportunities: Very good

Careers and Programs


- Truck driver
- Heavy vehicle mechanic
- School, city or charter bus driver
- Transportation logistics technician

And much more...


- Truck driving (vocational diploma)
- Heavy highway vehicle mechanics
   (vocational diploma)
- Transportation logistics technology
   (college diploma)

For more information, see Links
Did you know?
A truck driver can become a trainer of truck drivers, dispatcher or road traffic controller after a few years of experience. 


Camo-route (Comité sectoriel de main d'œuvre de l'industrie du transport routier du Québec)

Centre de formation du transport routier Saint-Jérôme

Le centre de formation en transport de Charlesbourg

Centre de formation professionnelle Mont-Laurier

Put your career in gear!

Vocational and Technical Training in Québec

Earning your wheels

Association du camionnage du Québec

Association du transport urbain du Québec

Québec Bus Owners Association

Association du transport écolier du Québec

Last updated: 2005-10-11 Top of Page Important Notices