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Weights and Measures Inspection Certificate Completion Manual

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Inspection Certificate Completion Manual, in PDF format, 240 KB

Sample Inspection Certificate Revision 2, in PDF format, 44 KB

Table of Contents
Revisions Table
Device Inspection
-Authority to Issue
-Establishment Identification Section
-Device Information
Appendix 1 - Device Types and Sub-Types
Appendix 2 - Manufacturer Codes
Appendix 3 - Trade Sector Table
Appendix 4 - Product Codes
Appendix 5 - Inspection Types Defined

The purpose of the Weights and Measures Inspection Certificate Completion Manual, is to assist recognized technicians of authorized service providers to complete the inspection certificates in accordance with Weights and Measures legislative requirements, and to collect data on device performance and establishment history.

This manual contains all the information necessary to complete the inspection certificate, with the exception of the Banner information, which must be obtained from your local Measurement Canada Office, as this list is region specific, and a current list of Manufacturer's which must be obtained from Industry Canada's Strategis Web site.

Revisions Table
This document will continue to be periodically reviewed by Measurement Canada to add, update, revise or correct the information contained herein. The revisions listed below pertain to this document version only and prior modifications can be referenced by accessing the document entitled “Previous Revisions Table”.

Date of Revision / Addition / Language (English and/or French) / Section / Nature of Revision / Addition
Version 2, Revision 1

2005-09-30 / E & F / Authority to Issue / page 1, paragraph 3 -Removed sentence "Where there are no certificates issued within a 10 day period, then a report must be sent."

2005-09-30 / E & F / Top of Certificate / page 2 - Removed "contact name" from second bullet.

2005-09-30 / E&F / Section 18 - page 5 / Added clarification to exceptions of when more than one device can be recorded on the same line of an inspection certificate.

2005-09-30 / E & F / Section 19 - page 6 / Clarification added, on how to record consecutive serial numbers for initial factory inspections at the manufacturers premises, when the client is unknown (zone 800).

2005-09-30 / E & F / Section 20 - page 6 / Added clarification, on how to capture the scale interval for gravimetric devices if this information is recorded on the inspection certificate.

2005-09-30 / E & F / Section 21 - page 6 / Modified description to add "applicant and importer".

2005-09-30 / E & F / Section 26 - page 10 / Note 1 has been modified to clarify "unattended" vehicle scales.

2005-09-30 / E & F / Section 31 - page 11-12 / An additional annotation has been added to this section.

2005-09-30 / E & F / Appendix 1 - page 16 / Bulk Meter sub-types 12 and 22 have been modified to include the words "ATC and" in their descriptions.

2005-09-30 / E & F / Appendix 3 - page 21 & 33 / Trade sub-sector 1821 has been removed.

2005-09-30 / E & F / Appendix 3 - page 23 & 42 / New trade sub-scetor 9001 has been added for authorized service providers who are distributors of platform scales.

2005-09-30 / E & F / Appendix 5 - pages 44 to 46 / Added clarification has been included for Inspection types A3, A7, R3, R7, M3 and M7.

Version 2, Revision 0
2005-03-31 / E & F / Introduction / Editorial changes.

2005-03-31 / E & F / Inspection Certificate section / Modified the time frame for the submission of certificates to Measurement Canada and inserted the process that must be used for cancelled or invalid certificates.

2005-03-31 / E& F / Section 21- page 6 / Updated the web address for the manufacturers’ table.

2005-03-31 / E & F / Section 24 - page 8 & 9 / Authorized Service Provider inspection types revised for accredited organizations and new inspection types added for registered organizations.

2005-03-31 / E & F / Section 31 - page 11 & 12 / Expanded list of annotations and restrictions for the comment section of the certificate have been included.

2005-03-31 / E & F / Appendix 1 / All gravimetric static and in-motion device types have been re-named non-automatic and automatic respectively. Five new volumetric device sub-types have been added, i.e. 52-12, 52-13, 52-22, 52-23 and 53-11.

2005-03-31 / E & F / Appendix 2 / Manufacturers’ table link updated.

2005-03-31 / E & F / Appendix 3 / Trade sector 40 has been removed and the descriptions for trade sub-sectors 2299, 2799 and 3699 have been revised.

2005-03-31 / E & F / Appendix 5 / Authorized Service Provider inspection types defined have been revised for accredited organizations and new inspection types added for registered organizations.

2005-03-31 / E & F / PDF Revisions Table renamed “Previous Revisions Table”.

Device Inspection
Inspection Certificate

Authority to Issue
The Weights and Measures Inspection Certificate is issued by authorized service providers in accordance with section 19.(1)(a) of the Weights and Measures Act under the following circumstances:

19.(1) Where an inspector inspects a device, the inspector must issue to the owner or person in possession of the device,
(a) in the case of a device that is or is to be used in trade, a certificate showing whether the device meets the requirements of this Act and the regulations.

Device inspection certificates must be 8.5 by 11 inch format and contain the information specified in this manual (see example). In areas where information is common to every certificate, that information may be pre-printed on the certificate. Certificate headings and titles must be in bilingual format. Certificate designs are subject to Measurement Canada acceptance before they can be printed and used.

The Weights and Measures Inspection Certificate is issued by recognized technician of an authorized service provider. A copy of completed Inspection Certificates shall be submitted to the local Measurement Canada District Office at least once a week, but no longer than 10 days from the date of their issue and must be legible. Measurement Canada will make any additional copies of the certificates as required.

In addition to fulfilling the legislated requirement to provide a certificate/statement upon completion of an inspection, the Inspection Certificate is used to collect data on device performance and establishment history.

Distribution: The Inspection Certificate is distributed as follows:
Original - Trader
Copy 1 - Measurement Canada District Office
Copy 2 - Authorized Service Provider

Cancelled/Invalid Certificates
If a certificate has been issued to the device owner and the recognized technician has omitted specific information about the device such as the device serial number, manufacturer or results of the inspection, this certificate should be cancelled and a replacement issued with all the appropriate information included.

The missing information would have to come from the recognized technician's source documents used to issue the original certificate such as an onsite inspection report or from a return visit, but not from a Measurement Canada report or from a phone call to the trader. If the data existing on the original certificate is not adequate to positively identify the device, a new inspection would be required.

The new certificate should state that the previous certificate (refer to the number) is cancelled and is superseded by this replacement certificate. The new certificate must be given to the trader. The original certificate, including the trader's copy, should be marked "Cancelled" and retained as a controlled document by the authorized service provider, and may be subject to audit.

Top of certificate:

  • Top left hand corner: logo supplied by Measurement Canada
  • Top middle: Information on authorized service provider - name, full address (include postal code), telephone and fax numbers; may be similar to organization's letterhead
  • Between the information on authorized service provider and certificate number: The organization's number as described in section 28 of this document.
  • Top right hand corner: certificate numbers shall be pre-printed and consecutive in nature, 7 digits (no letters).

Return to Table of Contents

Establishment Identification Section
1. Establishment Name
This is the business name of the establishment that the Inspection Certificate is being issued to (i.e. the name of the company /establishment using the device). If the device is being rented, the name of the company or person using the device must be recorded. This should always be the full legal name of the establishment.

2. Banner Name
This is the banner or company name under which the establishment operates (i.e. Petro Canada, Good Year, etc.). The banner should reflect the Company to which the devices being inspected are related. In the case of an establishment with more than one banner (e.g. Shell station with ICG propane dispensers), the banner name recorded in the header must be the one applicable to most of devices inspected.

For example, at a Shell station, 12 gas dispensers and the propane beam scale are inspected. “Shell” is recorded as banner in the header of the certificate and a note should be written in the comment section specifying that “ICG” is the banner for the propane scale. On an inspection where only the secondary devices are being inspected, the secondary banner will be listed in the header. (This list is available from your local Measurement Canada Office, as it is region specific.)

3. District
The district code is entered by the Measurement Canada District Office.

4. Zone
The zone number is entered by the Measurement Canada District Office unless the permanent location and/or name of the client is unknown, then the certificate is to be issued in the name of the authorized service provider and assigned to zone 800.

5. Address
This is the street address or location of the establishment where the device is located.

6. Contact/Name
Name of establishment contact. Should be the person in charge of the devices on site.

7. Contact/Title
The company title of the contact person.

8. Place
This is the city, town or village and province of the establishment where the device is located.

9. Postal Code
Canada Post Corporation postal code for address and place.

10. Telephone Number
The telephone number of the establishment must be entered in the format (999) 999-9999.

11. Fax Number
The facsimile number of the establishment must be entered in the format (999) 999-9999.

12. Directions
If the establishment does not have a street address, or is difficult to locate, record the directions on how to get to the establishment (i.e. 1 kilometer north, 2 kilometers west of town X). Clear, concise instructions on device location are of significant importance because the device in question may be difficult to locate with the mailing address alone.

13. Mailing Address
This is the full mailing address of the establishment if it is different from the actual address of the establishment where the device is located.

Note: If the Head Office address is required for reference purposes it should be recorded in the "comments" area.

14. Postal Code
Canada Post Corporation postal code for mailing address of the establishment.

15. Establishment Code
The establishment code will be assigned by the District or Regional Office.

16. Trade Sector
The trade sector code is a numeric code which represents the primary source of business conducted by the establishment, i.e. a hardware store with a union scale and fuel dispensers. Since the primary source of income of the establishment is the store, the trade sector code would be 3901. See Appendix 3

Note: The trade sector code should represent the primary source of business conducted.

17. Seasonal
This box is to be left blank if the establishment operates all year. For seasonal businesses, enter the season(s) which the establishment is open. For reference the following will apply:
  • Winter: December, January, February
  • Spring: March, April, May
  • Summer: June, July, August
  • Fall: September, October, November

Return to Table of Contents

Device Information
Note: When more then one component for a single device is to be captured on the certificate, the primary information will be recorded first and only the primary component will contain the results of the inspection.

For Volumetric Devices:
  • Primary component (device entity) - measuring element (meter)
  • Secondary components: register, ATC, pulser, etc.

For Gravimetric Devices:
  • Primary component (device entity) - measuring element (base)
  • Secondary components: electronic indicator, computer, load cell, etc.

Note: For a system composed of multiple decks and a single indicator (used as a single weighing system), the first deck must be recorded as the primary deck (primary serial number) (i.e. 9-20), the indicator will be recorded as the secondary component (secondary serial number), and each subsequent deck must be recorded as components of the first deck. The total inspected capacity must be entered on the same line as the primary deck. Individual capacities for each deck can only be captured in the comments section of the inspection certificate.

For systems composed of several decks, each with its own indicator, each deck/indicator combination must be recorded as a separate device (i.e. 9-10).

18. Device
This is a description of the device recorded on that line of the Inspection Certificate (i.e. computing scale, test weight, vehicle scale, bulk meter, fuel dispenser, etc.)

For devices with components, the second line (and following lines if there are many components) would describe the component (i.e. electronic register, ATC, computer, etc.). The only information shown for the secondary component will be device description, serial number, manufacturer and manufacturer code.

Only one device per line is to be entered on the certificate. The only exceptions are standards and device types 01 (trade weights), 90 (dynamic lenght measures), 91 (static measures), 99 (others) and, devices with consecutive serial numbers when intial factory inspections are performed at the manufacturers premises, and the client is unknown (zone 800). Devices with consecutive serial numbers must also have the same results and infraction type.

Note: Each certificate must be issued in the name of the client. If the permanent location and/or name of the client is unknown, the certificate must be issued in the name of the authorized service provider. One copy of each certificate must accompany each device to its permanent location.

19. Serial Number
The alpha-numeric identification number of the device or component as indicated on the serial plate of the device must be recorded. The primary device will be on the first line followed by the secondary component(s) on the next line(s). All devices require a serial number. Do not leave this field blank. If there is more than one device per line (see paragraph 18), the serial numbers must be consecutive and recorded on the certificate as, for example A123456-A123499. When specifying a range you must also enter a quantity. In this case the quantity would be (44) and should be clearly shown in brackets on the same line following the description of the device. The dash ( - ) between the two numbers represents the word "TO" and indicates a range to Measurement Canada's data system.

Note: The serial number is the key element for identifying devices within establishments. Measurement Canada’s data system will not accept two devices with the same serial number within an establishment; it will consider both devices as the same one.

20. Capacity and Interval
The legal capacity of the device indicated on that line of the Inspection Certificate must be shown in terms of quantity and unit of measurement. (For truck scales, this is the capacity to which the device was inspected). The terms tonne & tons are not acceptable in Measurement Canada’s data system. Use the corresponding kilogram or pound capacities. For truck scales, the approved capacity may be captured in the comments section of the Inspection Certificate.

Note 1: For gravimetric devices, the scale interval is captured on the inspection certificate, it should be recorded in the capacity field for example as (100,000 kg x 10 kg). If there is not enough space in the capacity field of the certificate, the interval may be caprured on the following line. This information is not mandatory.

Note 2: For Multi-Interval and Multi-Range devices, the largest certified capacity and interval is to be captured in this field. When appropriate, the smaller intervals and ranges could be captured in the comments section of the certificate.

21. Manufacturer & Code
The name of the manufacturer (and when not available) the applicant or importer (based on the information found on the device), must be written in full, followed by the designated three-letter code taken from the Manufacturers table (see below). The name of the manufacturer, applicant or importer and the code must be entered for the device and, if applicable, each of the listed components. Please refer to the updated Manufacturers table provided on Measurement Canada's Web site. When a code does not exist in this manufacturers' table, please advise Measurement Canada that a code is required. See Appendix 2.

22. Result (Inspection Result)
The code represents the result of the device inspection indicated on that line of the Inspection Certificate. The following is a list of codes and their meanings as well as clarifications on when these codes are to be used:

Type - Description
  • V - Verified
No adjustments required to bring the device into tolerance. ‘As Found’ and ‘As left’ are within the allowable limit of error.
Note: Service Contract requirements may apply limits of error that are more restrictive than the legislated limits of error for the device. Adjustments to bring devices within these “Service Contract” requirements may be noted in the comments section of the Inspection Certificate and Test Reports but are not reported as adjustments for Certification / Monitoring purposes.
  • BR - Error against the Consumer - adjusted by Trader, Service Co., or Authorized Service Provider (1)
  • BW - -Error against the Trader - adjusted by Trader, Service Co., or Authorized Service Provider (2)
BR and BW are to be used when an error greater than the limit of error or other infraction is discovered, and the device is adjusted or repaired to bring it into compliance. The error or infraction is noted in the Infraction Type column and the device is considered to be Verified at the conclusion of the inspection.
  • W - Warning - Error against Trader (2)
  • R - Rejected - Error against Consumer (1)
W and R are to be used when an error greater than the limit of error or other infraction is discovered, and the device cannot be brought into compliance during the Inspection/ Service. The device must be Re-Inspected at a later date, i.e. after servicing to correct the error, for it to be Verified.
  • E - Erase/Remove - Where device was rejected and the owner decides to replace the device
(The removal of a device using inspection results "E" can be included on the same certificate along with another entry of the same device where that device was previously inspected).
(1) Reject (R) Codes are to be used when the consumer would be disadvantaged due to the error. This could be caused by a device used for selling, over-indicating, or a device used for buying, under-indicating. See (3) below.
(2) Warning (W) Codes are to be used when the trader would be disadvantaged due to the error. This could be caused by a device used for selling, under-indicating or a device used for buying, over-indicating. See (3) below.
(3) When coding a Rejection or Warning, it is imperative that the inspector properly ascertain all modes of usage for the device. If the device may be used for both Buying and Selling, then any measurement error is to be coded as reject (R, AR, BR) error.

Note: All inspection results (with the exception of “V” - Verified), must be accompanied by an infraction type. See paragraph 23.

23. Inf. Type ( Infraction Type)
The infraction type code represents the as-found results. If more than one infraction type is found during the course of an inspection, the infraction type recorded must be prioritized in the following manner.

Type - Description
  • F - Fraud
  • 9 - Measurement Error >9 tolerance
  • 8 - Measurement Error >8 but <=9 tolerance
  • 7 - Measurement Error >7 but <=8 tolerance
  • 6 - Measurement Error >6 but <=7 tolerance
  • 5 - Measurement Error >5 but <=6 tolerance
  • 4 - Measurement Error >4 but <=5 tolerance
  • 3 - Measurement Error >3 but <=4 tolerance
  • 2 - Measurement Error >2 but <=3 tolerance
  • 1 - Measurement Error >1 but <=2 tolerance
  • I - Installation
  • N - Non Measurement
  • U - Usage Infraction
  • M - Metric Infraction
  • E - Erase/Remove Device (Infraction type “E” can only be used with Inspection Results “E”).

Note: A device must not be non-verified where device Usage U is the only contravention. The infraction code U must be utilized in instances where the authorized service provider believes a warning letter is warranted and wishes to bring the matter to the attention of Measurement Canada.

24. Inspection Type
The inspection type code represents the type of inspection conducted on the device(s) indicated on that line of the Inspection Certificate.

Note: The following codes can be used by an accredited organization. Registered organizations will be using inspection codes that start with the letter R, as described in the "Registered Organization -Inspection Types" section that follows:

Accredited Organization -Inspection Types
  • A1 - Initial Factory Inspection by an accredited organization (replaces type A)
  • A2 - Initial Field Inspection by an accredited organization (replaces type B)
  • A3 - Subsequent Inspections by an accredited organization (replaces types DA and DB)
  • A7 - Re-inspection by an accredited organization (replaces types LA and LB)
Note: An initial inspection should be coded as inspection type A1 or A2. If the device is not complying with the regulations, it should be coded A1 or A2 and rejected. The marking should remain on the device as required by section 22 of the regulations. When the device is subsequently inspected, it should be inspected under inspection type A1 or A2 until it complies.

Registered Organization -Inspection Types
  • R1 - Initial Factory Inspection by a registered organization
  • R2 - Initial Field Inspection by a registered organization
  • R3 - Subsequent Inspections by a registered organization
  • R7 - Re-inspection by a registered organization
Note: An initial inspection should be coded as inspection type R1 or R2. If the device is not complying with the regulations, it should be coded R1 or R2 and rejected. The marking should remain on the device as required by section 22 of the regulations. When the device is subsequently inspected, it should be inspected under inspection type R1 or R2 until it complies.

When an inspection is performed by a recognized technician of a registered organization in the presence of a Measurement Canada inspector (follow-up inspection with the technician), the following codes must be used:
  • M1 - Initial factory inspection by a registered organization in the presence of Measurement Canada
  • M2 - Initial field inspection by a registered organization in the presence of Measurement Canada
  • M3 - Subsequent inspection by a registered organization in the presence of Measurement Canada
  • M7 - Re-inspection by a registered organization in the presence of Measurement Canada

See Appendix 5 for all Inspection Type Definitions.

25. Device Type
The device type code represents the general type of device. Volumetric devices (dispensers, refuellers, bulk meters) are differentiated by capacity only. Describe the device accordingly. See Appendix 1

26. Device Sub Type
The sub type code describes in more detail the type of device. See Appendix 1

Note 1: A vehicle scale not operated by a person familiar with and experienced in the operation of that scale, is deemed “unattended”. This also applies to a vehicle scale operated for business by an experienced operator during the day but not during business at night.

Note 2: If a previously certified vehicle scale is modified to unattended operation, it should be re-inspected. See bulletin M-08 (rev. 2) section 3.1 for details and, if you have any doubts, the Measurement Canada Regional Gravimetric Specialist for your area should be consulted.

27. Product Code
The product code identifies the product being measured by the device. This field is mandatory for volumetric devices if the product code is not 11 (Fuel (gas, diesel fuel, fuel oil, etc.).

Footnote 1: Petroleum Products code 11 is the default product type for all meters in device types 50-*dispensers, 51-*refuellers, 52 -* bulk metes and 55 -*gravity meters.

28. Organization Number
The organization number is an alphanumeric code assigned by Measurement Canada to Authorized Service Providers. This number will start with the prefix A for an accredited organization or R for a registered organization and should be preprinted on Authorized Service Provider’s certificates in the following format : A-999 or R-999 as the case may be. The dash (-) is optional.

29. Comment Line No.
A number must be recorded on each device line for which there is a comment in the Comments box. The same number must be recorded in the comment box so that the comment and appropriate device can be associated at the time of data entry.

Note: Each comment line # is unique and there can be only one comment number for each device line. For example, if the same comment applies to 2 or more devices then each device line must have its own comment number. (i.e. comment #1,#2,#4,#5 - kg label must be replaced.)

30. Comment Line #
Enter the comment line number(s) applicable to the comments recorded beside each device line as described in 29) above.

Note: Comment line #0 will associate comments to the whole inspection and not to a particular device.

Comments which the recognized technician deems necessary for data capture (i.e. reasons for device non-verification, annotations or restrictions, etc.) must be written in this area. This is also a good place to enter Truck numbers when doing Truck Meters.

Some specific annotations and restrictions are:

  • Broken / missing seals
  • Name plate missing
  • Repairs not carried out
  • Unreadable serial number
  • Defective ATC
  • Defective Indicator
  • Repeatability / section error

"Inspected and certified to xxx kilograms". Maximum inspected and certified capacity required for large capacity scales that cannot be tested to capacity.

"Minimum weighment xxx kilograms". Minimum weight that can be weighed on the device as configured. This annotation should be used where there exists a possibility that the device will be used below this minimum.

Portable Installation Valid Until <<date>>. Annotation required when placing a portable vehicle scale in a portable installation. Date is 1 year after the inspection date. If the installation is to remain longer, then it must meet permanent installation requirements.

"For Prepacking Use Only" -for devices which are designed for use in prepacking situations only, i.e. (Retail Food).

Meter # "X" shall not be used at flowrates less than [minimum flowrate], in cases where it is possible to operate a meter below its minimum flowrate.

Meter # "X" product depletion test conducted at XXX lpm. In some cases a device owner or service company will slow down the delivery rate of a system so that it may pass the product depletion test. It is desirable to know what rate the test was done at, as they may increase the flowrate following the inspection.

"Approaches were not completed at the time of initial inspection. Device owner agrees to complete the approaches in accordance with section 63 (NAWDS), by May 31, XXXX".
For vehicle scale systems installed in the winter months, when it is not always feasible to provide either permanent foundations or approaches due to ground frost.

Note: When an initial inspection is scheduled by Measurement Canada or an authorized service provider, a letter of intent to complete the approaches meeting legislative requirements by May 31st of the following year, signed by the perspective device owner, shall be sent to the District Manager of the nearest Measurement Canada District Office.

1. For scales tested at the factory and that can be affected by the effect of gravity (usually small capacity devices): “The initial inspection was performed at the factory. The scale(s) may require readjustment upon relocation due to changes in acceleration due to gravity.”

2. For fluid measuring devices (gasoline dispensers, vehicle or rack mounted meters): “The device was calibrated for and can only be used in trade to measure (generic name of the product and density).” Or, in cases where the meter was not tested on the actual product, it is desirable to know what product and factors were used: "Meter # "X" was not tested on [product name] P/L of XXX.XXX from [product name] used".

Typical generic names and density:
  • Propane 510 kg/m³ (LPG)
  • Fuel 840 kg/m³ (F)
  • Jet Fuel
  • Gasoline 730 kg/m³ (G)
  • Aviation Gas 100/300

When any comment regarding restrictions, etc. is recorded on the Inspection Certificate, the trader's (or trader’s representative) signature must be obtained. If the trader refuses to sign the Inspection Certificate then the recognized technician of the authorized service provider will enter “Refused to sign” in the signature section. It is not necessary to have the trader sign the certificate for all comments made by the recognized technician of the authorized service provider; only those that are serious in nature.

32. Trader's Signature
This space is provided for the trader's or the trader's agent's signature. A signature is required whenever the Inspection Certificate contains a rejection, the device has been restricted in any way or the certificate has been annotated. In short all certificates that are not unrestricted verifications should be signed.

If the trader refuses to sign the Inspection Certificate then the recognized technician of the authorized service provider will enter “Refused to sign” in the signature section.

33. Authorized Service Provider's Recognized Technician's Signature
The signature of the recognized technician of the authorized service provider who perform the inspection certifies the inspection of the devices on the Inspection Certificate.

34. Recognized Technician's Assigned Number
Note: Starting in June, 2004 only the recognized technician's number will be accepted in this field. The technician's printed name will no longer be accepted.

The authorized service provider’s recognized technician’s number is a six digit alphanumeric code assigned by Measurement Canada. The first four digits are the Authorized Service Provider’s organization number (see section 28 for details), and the last two digits represent a unique number for each recognized technician in the organization.
Example 1:
Two recognized technicians employed by an accredited organization with the inspector number 025, will have the following numbers A-02501 and A-02502 respectively.
Example 2:
Two recognized technicians employed by a registered organization with the inspector number 123, will have the following numbers R-12301 and R-12302 respectively.

The recognized technician must clearly print the whole number in this field when completing an inspection certificate.

35. Date
The date of inspection must be shown numerically. When an inspection spans over more than one day, the day the inspection is concluded and the Inspection Certificate is issued must be the date shown. It must be entered in the format yy/mm/dd.

Back of the Certificate
To permit an understanding of the certificate by the owner or the person in possession of the device(s) described on the certificate, the codes and their description as shown in section 22, 23 and 24 of this manual must accompany the certificate. It is suggested that they appear on the back of the certificate, however, they could be annexed to the certificate, on a seperate document, as long as the certificate refers to it.

Return to Table of Contents

Appendix 1
Device Types & Sub-types
Gravimetric Devices
1 - Trade Weights
Sub-type: 10
Description: includes all trade weights -Not Applicable to Authorized Service Providers

2 - Computing Scales
Sub-type: 10 -Counter
Description: includes all retail computing scales

Sub-type: 11 -Counter Automatic
** Future Device Type **

Sub-type: 20 -POS
Description: includes all POS systems

Sub-type: 21 -POS Automatic
** Future Device Type **

Sub-type: 30 -Prepack
Description: includes all Prepack scales. Not Packaging devices

Sub-type: 31 -Prepack Automatic
** Future Device Type **

3 - Platform Scales
Sub-type: 10 -Non-Automatic
Description: includes all dormant, axle, bagging, postal etc.

Sub-type: 11 -Automatic
Description: includes all automatic platforms. Conveyor belt scales excluded

Sub-type: 20 -Multi-Deck
Description: includes all multi-deck platform scales

Sub-type: 21 -Automatic Multi-Deck
** Future Device Type **

4 - Hopper Scales
Sub-type: 10 -Non-Automatic
Description: includes all hopper & tank scales

Sub-type: 11 -Automatic
Description: includes all bulk weighing systems (grain receivers)

5 - Crane Scales
Sub-type: 10 -Non-Automatic
Description: includes all crane scales

6 - Conveyor Belt Scales
Sub-type: 11 -Automatic
Description: includes all conveyor belt scales. (Platforms with conveyors atop excluded)

7 - Overhead Rail Scales
Sub-type: 10 -Non-Automatic
Description: includes all non-automatic overhead rail type scales

Sub-type: 11 -Automatic
Description: includes all automatic overhead rail type scales

8 - On Board Weighing
Sub-type: 10 -Non-Automatic
Description: includes all non-automatic on-board weighing systems.

Sub-type: 11 Automatic
Description: includes all automatic on-board weighing systems

9 - Vehicle Scales
Sub-type: 10 -Non-Automatic Single Deck
Description: includes all attended non-automatic single deck vehicle scales. Not axle scales

Sub-type: 11 -Automatic Single Deck
Description: includes all attended automatic single deck vehicle scales. Not axle scales

Sub-type: 20 -Non-Automatic Multi-Deck
Description: includes all attended non-automatic multi-deck vehicle scales

Sub-type: 21 -IAutomatic Multi-Deck
Description: includes all attended automatic multi-deck vehicle scales

Sub-type: 30 -Non-Automatic Single Deck
Description: includes all unattended non-automatic single deck vehicle scales. Not axle scales

Sub-type: 31 -Automatic Single Deck
Description: includes all unattended automatic single deck vehicle scales. Not axle scales

Sub-type: 40 -Non-Automatic Multi-Deck
Description: includes all unattended non-automatic multi-deck vehicle scales

Sub-type: 41 -Automatic Multi-Deck
Description: includes all unattended automatic multi-deck vehicle scales

10 - Railway Scales
Sub-type: 10 -Non-Automatic
Description: includes all non-automatic railway & combination scales

Sub-type: 11 -Automatic
Description: includes all automatic railway scales

Sub-type: 20 -Multi-Deck
Description: includes all multi-deck railway scales

Sub-type: 21 -Automatic Multi-Deck
** Future Device Type **

Volumetric Devices:
50 - Dispensers
Sub-type: 10 -Retail
Description: includes all uncompensated automotive type dispensers (<=90 LPM)

Sub-type: 11 -Retail Compensated
Description: includes all compensated automotive type dispensers (<=90 LPM)

Sub-type: 20 -Blending
Desciption: includes dispensers with blend capabilities which are uncompensated (<=90 LPM)

Sub-type: 21 -Blending Compensated
Description: includes dispensers with blend capabilities which are compensated (<=90 LPM)

51 - Refuellers
Sub-type: 10 -Refueller
Description: includes all refueller type dispensers uncompensated (>90 LPM & <= 250 LPM)

Sub-type: 11 -Refueller Compensated
Description: includes all refueller type dispensers compensated (>90 LPM & <= 250 LPM)

52 - Bulk Meters
Sub-type: 10 -Rack Meter
Description: includes all bulk meters which are uncompensated (> 250 LPM), excluding trruck meters.

Sub-type: 11 -Automatic Temperature Compensated Rack Meter
Description: includes all bulk meters which are temperature compensated (> 250 LPM), excluding truck meters.

Sub-type: 12 -Complex Rack Meter
Description: includes ATC and one or more of the following terminal automation system (TAS); no air elimination equipment; multi-meter/single register; and/or special piping considerations (not in accordance with MC's Standard Installation Templates)

Sub-type: 13 -Automatic Pressure Compensated Rack Meter
Description: includes all bulk meters which are pressure compensated, excluding truck meters.

Sub-type: 20 -Truck Meter
Description: includes all truck mounted bulk meters which are uncompensated (> 250 LPM)

Sub-type: 21 -Automatic Temperature Compensated Truck Meter
Description: includes all truck mounted bulk meters which are temperature compensated (> 250 LPM)

Sub-type: 22 -Complex Truck Mounted Meter
Description: includes ATC and one or more of the following multi-meter/single register; multi-product/single meter; and/or special piping considerations (not in accordance with MC Standard Installation Templates)

Sub-type: 23 -Automatic Pressure Compensated Truck Mounted Meter
Description: includes all truck mounted bulk meters which are pressure compensated.

53 - Mass Flow Meters
Sub-type: 10 -Uncompensated
Description: includes all uncompensated mass flow meters

Sub-type: 11 -Automatic Temperature Compensated
Description: includes all automatic temperature compensated mass flow meters.

54 - Slow Flow Meters
Sub-type: 10 -Uncompensated
Description: includes all slow flow meters

55 - Gravity Meters
Sub-type: 10 -Uncompensated
Description: includes all gravity meters which are uncompensated

Sub-type: 11 -Compensated
Description: includes all gravity meters which are compensated

General Devices:
90 - Dynamic Length Measures
Sub-type: 10 -Linear
Description: includes all length measuring machines except cubic measures

Sub-type: 20 Volumetric
Description: includes all cubic measurement machines, including dimensional-weight

91 - Static Measures
Sub-type: 10 -Linear
Description: includes all static linear measures

Sub-type: 20 -Volumetric
Description: includes all static volumetric measures

99 - Others
Sub-type: 10 -Gravimetric
Description: includes all gravimetric devices not otherwise accounted for

Sub-type: 20 -Volumetric
Description: includes all volumetric devices not otherwise accounted for (inc. vehicle tanks)

Return to Table of Contents

Appendix 2
Manufacturer Codes
Please refer to this currently updated list provided on this Strategis Web site.

Appendix 3
Trade Sector Table
-Retail and Wholesale Trade Definitions
Retail Trade
The sale of goods to the public (consumers) for use or consumption generally by the unit or small quantity.
Wholesale Trade
The sale or purchase of goods in large quantities to be resold by others (retailers) to the public (consumers); or for use or consumption by industry, commercial establishments or institutions.

Sector 01 - Fishing & Fish Products Industries
Code : Establishment Type
0116 : Fish Products Industry
0117 : Fishing Industries
0199 : Other Fish Products Industries

Sector 02 - Logging, Forest and Forest Products Industries
Code : Establishment Type
0202 : Logging and Forestry Industry
0203 : Wood Products Industry
0206 : Pulp and Paper Industry
0207 : Retail Fuel Wood Industry
0214 : Other Paper Products Industry
0215 : Wholesale Paper Products Industry
0216 : Wholesale Forest Products Industry
0299 : Other Products - Wholesale Industry

Sector 03 - Grain and Field Crop Industry
Code : Establishment Type
0304 : Grain Elevator and Grain Wholesale Trade Industries
0305 : Field Crop Farm Sector
0306 : Feed Industry
0308 : Seed Industry
0399 : Other Grain & Crop Industries

Sector 04 - Upstream Petroleum Industry
Code : Establishment Type
0408 : Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Production
0410 : Services Incidental to Petroleum & Natural Gas
0411 : Pipeline Transport Industries
0499 : Other Upstream Petroleum Industries

Sector 05 - Mining and Metals Industries
Code : Establishment Type
0502 : Mining Industries
0504 : Metals Industries
0599 : Other Mining & Metals Industries

Sector 06 - Downstream Petroleum Industry
Code : Establishment Type
0601 : Wholesale Petroleum Industry
0603 : Wholesale Liquified Petroleum Gases

Sector 07 - Agricultural Livestock Industry
Code : Establishment Type
0701 : Agricultural Livestock Industry
0799 : Other Agricultural Industries

Sector 08 - Electricity Industry
Code : Establishment Type
0801 : Electricity Industry

Sector 09 - Food and Beverage Manufacturing
Code : Establishment Type
0903 : Bakery Products Industries
0905 : Sugar and Chocolate Confectionary Industry
0910 : Food, Wholesale
0914 : Vegetable Oil Mills (except Corn Oil)
0920 : Soft Drink Industry
0922 : Cane and Beet Sugar Industry
0999 : Other Food Products Industries

Sector 10 - Chemical Products Industry
Code : Establishment Type
1002 : Pharmaceutical and Medicine Industry
1004 : Industrial Chemicals Industries
1010 : Agrcultural Chemical Industries
1012 : Other Agricultural Chemical Industries
1099 : Other Chemical Products Industries

Sector 11 - Natural Gas Distribution
Code : Establishment Type
1101 : Natural Gas Distribution

Sector 12 - Textile Industries
Code : Establishment Type
1203 : Textiles Industries
1299 : Other Textile Industries

Sector 13 - Telecommunication Industry
Code : Establishment Type
1301 : Telecommunication Industry
1399 : Other Telecommunication Industries

Sector 14 - Steam and Hot Water Indutry
Code : Establishment Type
1401 : Steam and Hot Water Industry

Sector 15 - Dairy Farms / Dairy Products Industry
Code : Establishment Type
1501 : Dairy Products Indutries
1504 : Fluid Milk Industry
1599 : Other Dairy Products Industries

Sector 16 - Fur and Skin Industry
Code : Establishment Type
1601 : Fur Stores
1603 : Furs and Skins, Wild
1699 : Other Manufactured Products

Sector 17 - Water Industry
Code : Establishment Type
1701 : Water Utilities
1703 : Water Bulk Deliveries
1705 : Septic Services
1799 : Other Water Industries

Sector 18 - Retail Gasoline Industry
Code : Establishment Type
1801 : Automotive Fuel / Petroleum Retailers
1804 : Automotive Propane Retailers
1805 : Fuel Dispensers at Small Marinas
1808 : Wholesale Automotive Fuel / Petroleum Retailers
1809 : Truck Meters Used for Residential Heating Fuel
1813 : Refuellers at Local Airports
1815 : Fuel Dispensers at Local Airports
1823 : Propane Bottle Fill Scales
1899 : Other Retail Petroleum Industries

Sector 19 - Fruit and Vegetable Industry
Code : Establishment Type
1901 : Fruit and Vegetable Industries
1903 : Fruit and Other Vegetable Farms
1905 : Potato Farms
1907 : Horticultural Specialties
1999 : Other Fruit and Vegetable Industries

Sector 20 - Metal Scrap Industry
Code : Establishment Type
2006 : Automobile Wrecking
2099 : Other Scrap Metal Industries

Sector 21 - Transportation Industry
Code : Establishment Type
2101 : Postal and Courier Services
2103 : Air Carho Transportation Industry
2107 : Truck Transport Industry
2109 : Railway Transport Industry
2111 : Ship Transportation Industry
2199 : Other Transportation Industries

Sector 22 - Retail Food Industry
Code : Establishment Type
2201 : Canadian Supermarkets and Grocery Stores
2205 : Candy and Nut Stores
2207 : Fruit and Vegetable Stores
2209 : Meat Markets
2215 : Other Food Specialty Stores
2299 : Other Retail Industries

Sector 23 - Waste Collection and Disposal Industry
Code : Establishment Type
2301 : Waste Collection and Disposal Industry

Sector 24 - Taxicab Industry
Code : Establishment Type
2401 : Taxicab Industry

Sector 25 - Parking Lots and Parking Garages
Code : Establishment Type
2501 : Parking Lots and Parking Garages

Sector 26 - Tobacco Industry
Code : Establishment Type
2601 : Tobacco Products Industry
2603 : Leaf Tobacco Industry
2699 : Other Tobacco Industries

Sector 27 - Quarries and Sand Pits
Code : Establishment Type
2701 : Quarries
2704 : Sand and Gravel Pits
2799 : Other

Sector 28 - Non-Metallic Minerals
Code : Establishment Type
2806 : Concrete Products Industry
2899 : Other Non-Metallic Minerals

Sector 29 - Trade Contractor (Water Well Drilling)
Code : Establishment Type
2901 : Trade Contractor (Water Well Drilling)

Sector 30 - Honey and Other Apiary
Code : Establishment Type
3001 : Honey and Other Apiary

Sector 31 - Alcoholic Beverages (Beer, Wine, Distillers)
Code : Establishment Type
3101 : Alcoholic Beverages, Wholesale
3103 : Distillery Products Industry
3105 : Brewery Products Industry
3107 : Wine Industry

Sector 32 - Car and Truck Leasing
Code : Establishment Type
3201 : Car and Truck Leasing

Sector 33 - Precious Metals and Stones
Code : Establishment Type
3301 : Jewellery and Precious Metal Industries
3399 : Other Precious Metals & Stones Industries

Sector 34 - Piece Goods (Wholesale and Retail)
Code : Establishment Type
3401 : Piece Goods, Wholesale
3403 : Floor Coverings, Wholesale
3404 : Floor Covering Stores
3405 : Fabric and Yarn Stores
3407 : Drapery Stores
3499 : Other Piece Goods Industries

Sector 35 : Laundries and Cleaners
Code : Establishment Type
3505 : Laundries and Cleaners

Sector 36 - General Merchandise (Wholesale)
Code : Establishment Type
3601 : General Merchandise (Wholesale)
3699 : Other General Merchandise

Sector 37 - Rubber Products (Manufacturing)
Code : Establishment Type
3701 : Rubber Products (Manufacturing)
3799 : Other Rubber Products

Sector 38 - Vending Machines
Code : Establishment Type
3801 : Vending Machines

Sector 39 - Hardware Stores - Retail
Code : Establishment Type
3901 : Hardware Stores - Retail
3999 : Other Hardware Products

Restricted Use Sector
Sector 90 - Mass
Code : Establishment Type
9001 : This generic mass sector is restricted for the use of authorized service providers who are distributors of platform scales.

Trade Sector Descriptions:
Sector 01 : Fishing and Fish Products Industries
0116 - Fish Products Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in eviscerating, skinning, filleting, breading, pre-cooking, blanching or otherwise processing fish including molluscs, crustaceans, fish roe and/or other marine animals and plants as well as establishments primarily engaged in producing fish oil.

0117 - Fishing Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in catching or gathering freshwater or salt water species of finfish and shellfish, and harvesting other freshwater and sea products. This industry also comprises establishments primarily engaged in farm-raising finfish, shellfish, or any other kind of aquatic animal.

0199 - Other Fish Products Industries
Any establishment engaged in other fish products and not included in this sector.

Sector 02 - Logging, Forest and Forest Product Industries
0202 - Logging and Forestry Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in cutting timber, producing rough, round, hewn, or riven primary wood, and producing wood chips in the forest, including establishments who are on a fee or contract basis. Establishments primarily engaged in cutting and transporting timber are also included in this industry.

0203 - Wood Products Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing lumber, both rough and dressed, shingles and other sawmill or planing mill products. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing hardwood and softwood veneer and plywood.

0206 - Pulp and Paper Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing pulp, paper, paperboard and building and insulation board.

0207 - Retail Fuel Wood Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of loose wood products for use as fire fuel, includes wood and wood pellets.

0214 - Other Paper Products Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing asphalt saturated roofing and siding materials. Establishments primarily engaged in coating and treating paper. Establishments primarily engaged in converting paper stock into stationary supplies.

0215 - Wholesale Paper Products Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling of stationary and office supplies.

0216 - Wholesale Forest Products Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in wholesale dealing in forest products including logs and bolts, poles and pilings, pulpwood logs and wood chips.

0299 - Other Products Wholesale Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in wholesale dealing of all other wood products including fuel wood.

Sector 03 - Grain and Field Crop Industry
0304 - Grain Elevator and Grain Wholesale Trade Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in operating country elevators or terminal elevators for the storage of grains. Establishments primarily engaged in buying and selling grain, whether operated by the Canadian Grain Commission or not would be considered as in engaged in wholesale dealing in grain.

0305 - Field Crop Farm Sector
Farms on which more than 50 percent of the gross agricultural revenue is derived from sales of cereal grains, oil seeds, grain corn, fodder.

0306 - Feed Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing balanced feeds and pre-mixes or feed concentrates. The feed contains ground or rolled grains, mill feeds, animal and vegetable proteins, minerals, essential vitamins and antibiotics. Establishments primarily engaged in custom grinding of grains (feed mils) are included in this industry. Establishments primarily engaged in wholesale dealing in hay, processed feeds and grains used as fodder.

0308 - Seed Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in wholesale dealing in field crop seeds. Also includes establishments primarily engaged in providing services to crops and plants not elsewhere listed.

0399 - Other Grain and Crop Industries
Any establishment engaged in other grain or crop businesses and not included in this sector.

Sector 04 - Upstream Petroleum Industry
0408 - Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Production
Establishments primarily engaged in the exploration for and/or production of crude oil and natural gas whether by conventional or non-conventional methods. Includes establishments primarily engaged in operating field gathering lines containing the raw product, and prior to product cleaning.

0410 - Services Incidental to Petroleum & Natural Gas
Establishments primarily engaged in providing drilling and other services to petroleum and natural gas industries.

0411 - Pipeline Transport Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in operating pipelines for the transport of natural gas, crude oil and other products, from gas fields or processing plants to local distribution systems.

0499 - Other Upstream Petroleum Industries
Any establishment engaged in other upstream petroleum and not included in this sector.

Sector 05 - Mining and Metals Industries
0502 - Mining Industries
Establishments engaged in operating mines to extract metallic ores, including the dressing and beneficiating of such ores, such as gold, copper and nickel; non-metal mines such as asbestos, peat, gypsum, salt and potash; and coal mines.

0504 - Metals Industries
Establishments engaged in manufacturing ferro-alloys; steel casting; other steel in primary shapes; and coke from oven operated in connection with blast furnaces. It includes establishments engaged in the primary production of aluminum alloys in primary shape, pipe tubing and powder; manufacturing copper and copper alloy casting and extrusion and other non-ferrous metals such as zinc, lead and nickel. It also includes establishments engaged in manufacturing steel wire and wire products; communication and energy wires and cables; and conduit for electric wiring.

0599 - Other Mining & Metals Industries
Any establishment engaged in other mining or metals and not included in this sector.

Sector 06 - Downstream Petroleum Industry
Does not include sulphur, crude oil, natural gas, or mixtures of natural gas liquids, nor does it include any trade transaction or devices that are of a retail nature. These are included in either the Upstream Petroleum Industry (trade sector 04) or the Retail Gasoline Industry (trade sector 18). Recognized Technicians of Authorized Service Providers are to ensure that the appropriate Product Codes (as listed in Appendix 4) are used in conjunction with any devices that are inspected at these establishments.

0601 - Wholesale Petroleum Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in the trade measurement and trade transaction of refined liquid petroleum products (including heated products) to retailers and commercial customers. It includes all meters and measurement systems such as truck and railway scales, platform scales for lube oils etc., pipeline meters, loading rack meters, rail transport metering systems, and vehicle mounted metering systems, used for commercial applications. The variety of products measured in this sector are numerous and diverse and would typically include the petroleum-based products derived from the refinery such as aviation fuels, gasoline, diesels, home heating fuels, lube oils, greases, waxes, bunker and asphalt to name but a few.

0603 - Wholesale Liquified Petroleum Gases
Establishments primarily engaged in the bulk production or distribution of liquified propane gas or other petroleum-based secondary products such as butane, ethane and pentane. Natural Gas Processing plants may be included in this sector for this portion of their operation only.

Sector 07 - Agricultural Livestock Industry
0701 - Agricultural Livestock Industry
Establishments engaged in operating farms on which 50 percent of the gross agricultural revenue is derived from sales of cattle, hogs, poultry and eggs, sheep and goats, horses or a combination of these and other livestock. Also included are establishments primarily engaged in slaughtering animals and/or processing meat including poultry.

0799 - Other Agricultural Industries
Any establishment engaged in other agricultural businesses and not included in this sector.

Sector 08 - Electricity Industry
0801 - Electricity Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in the generation, transmission and/or distribution of electricity. This industry includes establishments primarily engaged in the generation and transportation of electric power even if all or most of all the power is used in a particular manufacturing, mining or other plant.

Sector 09 - Food and Beverage Manufacturing
0903 - Bakery Products Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing biscuits, bread and other bakery products.

0905 - Sugar and Chocolate Confectionery Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in caramelizing, syrup kneading, compressing, extruding, stamping or otherwise manufacturing starch goods (jelly candy of all kinds); hard sugar candy; cocoa powder; chocolate confectionary and cooking chocolate products unsweetened or sweetened.

0910 - Food, Wholesale
Establishments primarily engaged in wholesale dealing in confectionary, frozen foods (packaged), dairy products, poultry and eggs, fish and sea food, fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and meat products or specialty lines of foods.

0914 - Vegetable Oil Mills (except Corn Oil)
Establishments primarily engaged in crushing, expressing, oxidizing, dehydrating or otherwise processing oil seeds. The output from this industry is crude vegetable oil along with by-products such as meal and oil cake used as ingredients for livestock feed or fertilizer. Margarine and salad oil are secondary products of establishments in this sector.

0920 - Soft Drink Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing non-alcoholic, carbonated beverages, mineral waters and concentrates and syrups for the manufacture of carbonated beverages.

0922 - Cane and Beet Sugar Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in processing raw sugar cane sugar, sugar beets or starches to finished sucrose, glucose or fructose.

0999 - Other Food Products Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing or preparing teas and coffees, dry pastas, potato chips, pretzels, popcorn, malt and other food products not elsewhere identified.

Sector 10 - Chemical Products Industry
1002 - Pharmaceutical and Medicine Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing drugs and medicines for human or animal use.

1004 - Industrial Chemicals Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial organic chemicals such as: aliphatic acids, alcohols (except ethyl alcohol), glycols, unsaturated monomers, etc.; also included in this industry are plastic materials not shaped and additives for petroleum products; and, industrial inorganic chemicals, such as acids, alkalis, salts, compressed gases, radioactive chemical elements and other inorganic compounds.

1010 - Agricultural Chemical Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing chemical fertilizers and fertilizer materials; mixed fertilizers including custom mixing.

1012 - Other Agricultural Chemical Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and other agricultural chemicals.

1099 - Other Chemical Products Industries
Any establishment engaged in other chemical products and not included in this sector.

Sector 11 - Natural Gas Distribution
1101 - Natural Gas Distribution
Establishments primarily engaged in distribution of natural gas or synthetic gas through a system of mains. This industry is the domestic component that distributes natural gas to final demand users.

Sector 12 - Textile Industries
1203 - Textile Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing filament yarn, staple fibre, elastic yarn and tire cord yarn, woolen blankets, weaving paper maker’s felt, felts, carpets, rugs, mats, fabrics, household products of textile materials, textile hygiene products, tire cord fabric cordage and twine; in processing filament yarns; spinning yarn with wool; knitting broad fabrics; dying, sponging, finishing, bonding or laminating textile fabrics or materials.

1299 - Other Textile Industries
Any establishment engaged in other textile businesses and not included in this sector.

Sector 13 - Telecommunication Industry
1301 - Telecommunication Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in operating telephone and other telecommunication transmission services by electro-magnetic means. This sector includes broadband exchange service, cable service, telephone, overseas telephone service, public telephone service, satellite communication service. Telegraph communication service (wire and radio), telephone carrier service, telephone network service, telephoto service, teletype service and ticker tape service.

1399 - Other Telecommunication Industries
Any establishment engaged in other telecommunication and not included in this sector.

Sector 14 - Steam and Hot Water Industry
1401 - Steam and Hot Water Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in operating utilities not elsewhere listed.

Sector 15 - Dairy Farms / Dairy Products Industry
1501 - Dairy Products Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in processing fluid milk and manufacturing other dairy products.

1504 - Fluid Milk Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in processing raw milk and cream. This industry also includes dairy milk tanks and milk measurement at dairy farms.

1599 - Other Dairy Products Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing dairy products such as butter, butter oil, cheese, cheese spreads, cottage cheese, cheese curds, processed cheese, specialty cheese and paste cheese, condensed and evaporated milk, powdered milk, malted milk mix and milk shake mix, cream, dried and powdered, ice cream and ice cream mix, ice milk products, sherbets, lactose and Whey products, not elsewhere listed.

Sector 16 - Fur and Skin Industry
1601 - Fur Stores
Establishments primarily engaged in retail dealing in ready-to-wear or custom-made fur apparel, including coats and other apparel of sheepskin, leather or suede.

1603 - Furs and Skins, Wild
Establishments primarily engaged in hunting and trapping wild animals for furs and skins.

1699 - Other Manufactured Products
Establishments primarily engaged in the furs and skins industry and not included in the above, for example, fur dressing and dyeing.

Sector 17: Water Industry
1701 - Water Utilities
Establishments primarily engaged in the treatment and distribution of water for household and other purposes. Establishments included in this sector are often known as Water Boards or Water Commissions which are associated with local governments. This industry also includes establishments primarily engaged in the distribution (by pipe) of water for irrigation.

1703 - Water Bulk Deliveries
Establishments primarily engaged in the distribution of bulk water by means of truck or loading facilities.

1705 - Septic Services
Establishments primarily engaged in the collection and treatment of waste water, sewage or other effluent materials.

1799 - Other Water Industries
Any establishment engaged in other water industries and not included in this sector.

Sector 18: Retail Gasoline Industry
1801 - Automotive Fuel/Petroleum Retailers
Establishments primarily engaged in retail sale of gasoline, diesel fuel, liquified natural gas, lubricating oils and greases and located and operated at retail gasoline outlets. Included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in dispensing lubricating oil to motor vehicles.

1804 - Automotive Propane Retailers
Establishments primarily operated by retail gasoline and propane outlets dealing in propane motor fuel dispensers and refuellers.

1805 - Fuel Dispensers at Small Marinas
Establishments primarily engaged in fuel dispensers used at small marinas to refuel small water craft.

1808 - Wholesale Automotive Fuel /Petroleum Retailers
Establishments primarily engaged in truck refuellers (cardlock / keylocks) rated at 0 - 227 litres per minuted and found at retail and commercial fuel outlets.

1809 - Truck Meters Used for Residential Heating Fuel
Establishments primarily engaged in the use of truck meters for residential heating fuel oil.

1813 - Refuellers at Local Airports
Establishments primarily engaged in the use of refuellers with flow rates of 115 to 227 lpm which are used to refuel aircraft at local airports.

1815 - Fuel Dispensers at Local Airports
Establishments primarily engaged in fuel dispensers used for light aircraft refueling at local airports.

1823 - Propane Bottle Fill Scales
Establishments primarily engaged in the propane bottle fill scales located at retail gasoline and propane outlets.

1899 - Other Retail Petroleum Industries
Any establishment engaged in other retail petroleum and not included in this sector.

Sector 19 - Fruit and Vegetable Industry
1901 - Fruit and Vegetable Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in canning, drying, preserving, and freezing fruits and vegetables including juices, soups, pickles, ketchup and similar fruit and vegetable products.

1903 - Fruit and Other Vegetable Farms
Farms on which more than 50 percent of the gross agricultural revenue is derived from the sales of fruits and/or other vegetables.

1905 - Potato Farms
Farms on which more than 50 percent of gross agricultural revenue is derived from the sale of potatoes.

1907 - Horticultural Specialties
Establishments in which more than 50 percent of the gross agricultural revenue is derived from the sale of mushrooms, greenhouse products, nursery plants, and other horticultural specialties.

1999 - Other Fruit and Vegetable Industries
Any establishment engaged in other fruit and vegetable businesses and not included in this sector.

Sector 20 - Metal Scrap Industry
2006 - Automobile Wrecking
Establishments primarily engaged in buying old automobiles, dismantling them, selling the used auto parts and scrap metal.

2099 - Other Scrap Metal Industries
Any establishment engaged in other scrap metal businesses and not included in this sector.

Sector 21 - Transportation Industry
2101 - Postal and Courier Services
Establishments primarily involved in operating postal and courier services. Also includes mail service contract, government, post office box operation and service, rural mail carrier service, messenger service-courier, parcel delivery and express service courier, etc.

2103 - Air Cargo Transportation Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in scheduled, non-scheduled, chartered and non-scheduled charter air transport. Including Charter Services for: Air Cargo, Air Express, Air Freight, Air Passenger, Air Transport, Aircraft.

2107 - Truck Transport Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of trucking, transfer and related services. Truck “broker-operators” are included in this industry.

2109 - Railway Transport Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in the operation of railways for the transport of freight and passengers. This includes inter-urban railways but excludes street railways and urban rapid transit. Excluded from this industry are establishments operated by railways and primarily engaged in providing telecommunications, bus and water transport services, operating hotels or operating shops for the building and major overhauling of rolling stock.

2111 - Ship Transportation Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in the operation of vessels for the transportation of freight and passengers, in ferry operation, marine towing, ship chartering and other water transportation.

2199 - Other Transportation Industries
Any establishment engaged in other transportation industries and not included in this sector.

Sector 22: Retail Food Industry
2201 - Canadian Supermarkets and Grocery Stores
Establishments primarily engaged in a balanced line of goods such as: canned, bottled, packaged and frozen foods; fresh meat and poultry; fish; fresh fruits and vegetables; prepared food products; bakery products; dairy products; candy and confectionary; and other food lines. In addition, newspapers, magazines, paper products, soft drinks, tobacco products, health and beauty aids, housewares, flowers, plants and other non-food articles. “Beer and wine may be sold in these food stores in some provinces.”

2205 - Candy and Nut Stores
Establishments primarily engaged in retail dealing in candy and nuts. Other confections may be sold.

2207 - Fruit and Vegetable Stores
Establishments primarily engaged in the retail dealing in fresh fruits and vegetables.

2209 - Meat Markets
Establishments primarily engaged in the retail dealing in fresh, frozen, cured or cooked meats and poultry.

2215 - Other Food Speciality Stores
Establishments primarily engaged in the retail dealing in a specialized line of food not elsewhere listed, such as spices; tea and coffee; fish and seafood; health and dietary products; or dairy products.

2299 - Other Retail Food Industries
Any establishment engaged in other retail foods and not including restaurants, cafeteria, etc. and not listed in this sector.

Sector 23 - Waste Collection and Disposal Industry
2301 - Waste Collection and Disposal Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in operating utilities such as garbage collection and disposal, garbage dump operation, incinerator operation, radioactive waste disposal and service, refuse collection and disposal services. This sector includes establishments engaged in recycling waste materials such as plastic waste, paper, cardboard, waste textile, rubber waste and liquid waste recovery such as used oil. This sector does not include establishments engaged in automobile wrecking and in buying and selling waste material such as copper scrap, lead scrap, and scrap metal.

Sector 24 - Taxicab Industry
2401 - Taxicab Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in providing passenger transportation by automobiles not operated on regular schedules or between fixed terminals, and based on time measurement.

Sector 25 - Parking Lots and Parking Garage
2501 - Parking Lots and Parking Garage
Establishments primarily engaged in operating parking lots and garages for live storage of automobiles based on time measurement.

Sector 26 - Tobacco Industry
2601 - Tobacco Products Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in rolling, grinding, blending, and flavoring tobacco to manufacturing tobacco products.

2603 - Leaf Tobacco Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in sorting, grading, re-drying, treating and packing tobacco leaf in hogsheads. These establishments customarily store the dried tobacco for a period of time which may be several years, i.e. aging the tobacco. Once aged, this industry may also stem the tobacco and prepare it for further manufacture before being sent to the tobacco products factory.

2699 - Other Tobacco Industries
Any establishment engaged in other tobacco industries and not included in this sector.

Sector 27 - Quarries and Sand Pits
2701 - Quarries
Establishments primarily engaged in quarrying, crushing and pulverizing granite, limestone rock, marble, sandstone, shale and extracting and screening igneous and sedimentary rocks from quarries.

2704 - Sand and Gravel Pits
Establishments primarily engaged in the extraction, crushing, washing and screening of sand and gravel from pits or quarries. These establishments may be secondarily engaged in trucking sand or gravel to job sites.

2799 - Other
Any establishment engaged in other quarries/pits, road asphalting and road construction, and not included in this sector.

Sector 28 - Non-Metallic Minerals
2806 - Concrete Products Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing concrete pipe, structural concrete products and other concrete products not elsewhere listed.

2899 - Other Non-Metallic Industries
Any establishment engaged in other non-metallic industries and not included in this sector.

Sector 29 - Trade Contractor (Water Well Drilling)
2901 - Trade Contractor (Water Well Drilling)
Establishments primarily engaged in drilling, or digging water wells, installation and repair of water well pumps and well piping systems where trade measurement is conducted by the foot.

Sector 30 - Honey and other Apiary
3001 - Honey and Other Apiary
Farms on which more than 50 percent of the gross agricultural revenue is derived from sales of honey, beeswax and bees. Includes apiary, beekeeping, beeswax, honey (natural and unprocessed).

Sector 31 - Alcoholic Beverages (Beer, Wine, Distillers)
3101 - Alcoholic Beverages, Wholesale
Establishments primarily engaged in wholesale dealing in beer, liquor, wine and other alcoholic beverages.

3103 - Distillery Products Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in clarifying, rectifying, flavoring, blending and aging alcohol to manufacture distilled alcoholic beverages. This industry includes establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ethyl alcohol whether or not the alcohol is used to make potable spirits.

3105 - Brewery Products Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in steeping, boiling and fermenting malt and hops to manufacture malt beverages.

3107 - Wine Industry
Establishments primarily engaged in pressing fruit and fermenting fruit juices to manufacture wines. Including in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in producing hard cider (2.5 percent or greater alcohol).

Sector 32 - Car and Truck Leasing
3201 - Car and Truck Leasing
Establishments engaged in the renting and leasing passenger cars or trucks without drivers based on time.

Sector 33 - Precious Metals and Stones
3301 - Jewellery and Precious Metal Industries
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing jewellery and silverware. Included are establishments primarily engaged in re-refining, re-melting and/or rolling precious metals with or without precious stones as well as imitation precious metals and stones, or producing precious metal alloys.

3399 - Other Precious Metals and Stones Industries
Any establishment engaged in other precious metals or stones and not included in this sector.

Sector 34 - Pieces Goods (Wholesale and Retail)
3401 - Piece Goods, Wholesale
Establishments primarily engaged in wholesale dealing in piece goods or yard goods. Included are establishments primarily engaged in wholesale dealing in notions or smallwear, i.e. buttons, clothing fasteners, lace, millinery supplies, patterns, ribbons, thread, yarns for knitting, sewing accessories etc.

3403 - Floor Coverings, Wholesale
Establishments primarily engaged in wholesale dealing in floor coverings, i.e. carpets, floor tiles, linoleum floor coverings, mats and runners, rugs and tile carpets.

3404 - Floor Covering Stores
Establishments primarily engaged in retail dealing in carpets, rugs, linoleum and floor tiles including carpet underlay, rugs, mats and runners.

3405 - Fabric and Yard Stores
Establishments primarily engaged in retail dealing in yard goods; yarns and related merchandise, i.e. dry goods and notions stores, fabric stores, knitting yarn and accessories, yard goods, sewing thread, textile fabrics, mill-end stores, textile fabric piece goods.

3407 - Drapery Stores
Establishments primarily engaged in retail dealing in draperies, curtains and upholstery fabric. Included are boutiques which make up draperies to customer specifications.

3499 - Other Piece Goods Industries
Any establishment engaged in other piece goods industries and not included in this sector.

Sector 35 - Laundries and Cleaners
3505 - Laundries and Cleaners
Establishments primarily engaged in providing laundering, dry cleaning, valet, carpet cleaning and linen supply services.

Sector 36 - General Merchandises (Wholesale)
3601 - General Merchandises (Wholesale)
Establishments engaged in wholesale dealing in a diversified line of merchandise of which hardware, foods, clothing, sporting goods, toys and games tend to be the most important, but no line is sufficiently important to constitute a primary activity.

3699 - Other General Merchandise
Any establishment engaged in other general merchandise, general manufacturing, and not included in this or any other sectors.

Sector 37 - Rubber Products (Manufacturing)
3701 - Rubber Products (Manufacturing)
Establishments primarily engaged in the length and area measurement of rubber hose and belting; mechanical rubber goods; weather stripping (rubber and plastic); pressure sensitive tape; rubber boot and shoe findings; tire re-treading materials, tires and tubes, etc.

3799 - Other Rubber Products
Any establishment engaged in other rubber products and not included in this sector.

Sector 38 - Vending Machines
3801 - Vending Machines
Establishments primarily engaged in retail dealing, using coin-operated vending machines to dispense a variety of products.

Sector 39 - Hardware Stores - Retail
3901 - Hardware Stores - Retail
Establishments primarily engaged in retail dealing in any combination of the basic lines of hardware, such as hand and power tools, builders’ hardware, fasteners, electrical and plumbing supplies. These establishments may be secondarily engaged in retailing housewares, electrical appliances, paint, sporting goods, etc.

3999 - Other Hardware Products
Any establishment engaged in other hardware products and not included in this sector.

Restricted Use Sector
Sector 90: Mass
9001 - This generic mass sector is restricted for the use of authorized service providers who are distributors of platform scales (known as device type 03 in Appendix 1 of the Weights and Measures Inspection Certificate Completion Manual), where the scale of these devices is not to the end user, and the work performed by these organizations cannot be associated with a specific trade sector.

This trade sector should only be used in exceptional circumstances where it is not possible to determine the specific trade sector, for example during factory inspections of platform scales, otherwise the most appropriate trade sector code should be used.

Return to Table of Contents

Appendix 4
Product Codes
Device Product Code

Petroleum Products
Description: Fuel (gas, diesel fuel, fuel oil, etc.) -Petroleum Products code 11 is the default product type for all meters in device types 50-* dispensers, 51-* refuellers, 52-* bulk meters and 55-* gravity meters.

Code: 12
Description: Aviation fuels

Code: 13
Description: Lubricating oil

Code: 14
Description: Heated products

Code: 15
Description: Coke

Code: 16
Description: Waxes

Code: 21
Description: Solvents (e.g. Acetone, Naphtha, etc.)

Code: 22
Description: Alcohols, Glycols - (Methanol, Isobutyl, etc.)

Compressed Gases
Code: 31
Description: Liquefied petroleum Gas (LPG)

Code: 32
Description: Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3)

Agricultural Products
Code: 41
Description: Fertilizers

Code: 42
Description: Herbicides

Code: 43
Description: Feeds

Code: 44
Description: Grain

Cde: 50
Description: Water

Chemical Products
Code: 60
Description: Chemical Products

Food Products
Code: 71
Description: Milk

Code: 79
Description: Food - Other than Milk

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Appendix 5
Inspection Types Defined
Type A1 -Initial Factory Inspection by an Accredited Organization
The first inspection of a device performed at a manufacturer’s or dealer’s premises by a recognized technician of an accredited organization (include all inspections until the device has been certified for trade use for the first time).

Type A2 -Initial Field Inspection by an Accredited Organization
The first inspection of a device, performed by a recognized technician of an accredited organization, the performance of which cannot be determined until it is installed on site for use in trade (include all inspections until the device has been certified for trade use for the first time).

Type A3 -Subsequent Inspections by an Accredited Organization
Any inspection of a device, performed by a recognized technician of an accredited organization, other than an initial factory or field inspection, or a factory or field re-inspection. All inspections conducted where more than 6 calendar months have elapsed following the non-compliance of a device must also be coded as a type A3 inspection (and not a re-inspection).

Type A7 -Re-inspection by an Accredited Organization
An inspection of a device performed within 6 calendar months following a subsequent inspection that has determined the device did not meet the requirements of the Weights and Measures Act and its regulations. The inspection is to determine whether or not the device now conforms to the Act or the regulations. Includes pre-arranged inspections of rejected devices at service agency premises. Does not include the re-inspection of a device that has never been previously verified (Initial Inspection), or inspections conducted where more than 6 calendar months have elapsed following the non-compliance of a device.

Note: (The subsequent inspection may have been performed by a Measurement Canada inspector, or by a recognized technician of an accredited registered organization).

Registered Organization -Inspection Types
Type R1 -Initial Factory Inspection by a Registered Organization
The first inspection of a device performed at a manufacturer’s or dealer’s premises by a recognized technician of a registered organization (include all inspections until the device has been certified for trade use for the first time).

Type R2 -Initial Field Inspection by a Registered Organization
The first inspection of a device, performed by a recognized technician of a registered organization, the performance of which cannot be determined until it is installed on site for use in trade (include all inspections until the device has been certified for trade use for the first time).

Type R3 -Subsequent Inspections by a Registered Organization
Any inspection of a device performed by a recognized technician of a registered organization, other than an initial factory or field inspection, or a factory or field re-inspection. All inspections conducted where more than 6 calendar months have elapsed following the non-compliance of a device must also be coded as a type R3 inspection (and not a re-inspection).

Type R7 -Re-inspection by a Registered Organization
An inspection of a device performed within 6 calendar months following a subsequent inspection that has determined the device did not meet the requirements of the Weights and Measures Act and its regulations. The inspection is to determine whether or not the device now conforms to the Act or the regulations. Includes pre-arranged inspections of rejected devices at service agency premises. Does not include the re-inspection of a device that has never been previously verified (Initial Inspection), or inspections conducted where more than 6 calendar months have elapsed following the non-compliance of a device.

Note: (The subsequent inspection may have been performed by a Measurement Canada inspector, or by a recognized technician of an accredited or a registered organization).

When an inspection is performed by a recognized technician of a registered organization in the presence of a Measurement Canada inspector (follow-up inspection with the technician), the following codes must be used:

Type M1 -Initial Factory Inspection by a Registered Organization in the presence of Measurement Canada
The first inspection of a device performed at a manufacturer’s or dealer’s premises by a recognized technician of an registered organization in the presence of Measurement Canada (include all inspections until the device has been certified for trade use for the first time).

Type M2 -Initial Field Inspection by a Registered Organization in the presence of Measurement Canada
The first inspection of a device, performed by a recognized technician of an registered organization in the presence of Measurement Canada, the performance of which cannot be determined until it is installed on site for use in trade (include all inspections until the device has been certified for trade use for the first time).

Type M3 -Subsequent Inspection by a Registered Organization in the presence of Measurement Canada
Any inspection of a device performed by a recognized technician of an registered organization in the presence of Measurement Canada, other than an initial factory or field inspection, or a factory or field re-inspection. All inspections conducted in the presence of Measurement Canada where more than 6 months have elapsed following the non-compliance of a device must also be coded as a type M3 inspection (and not a re-inspection).

Type M7 -Re-inspection by a Registered Organization in the presence of Measurement Canada
An inspection of a device performed within 6 calendar months following a subsequent inspection in the presence of Measurement Canada that has determined the device did not meet the requirements of the Weights and Measures Act and its regulations. The inspection is to determine whether or not the device now conforms to the Act or the regulations. Includes pre-arranged inspections of rejected devices at service agency premises. Does not include the re-inspection of a device that has never been previously verified (Initial Inspection), or inspections conducted where more than 6 calendar months have elapsed following the non-compliance of a device.

Note: (The subsequent inspection may have been performed by a Measurement Canada inspector or by a recognized technician of an registered organization).

    Created: 2005-08-04
Updated: 2005-12-02
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