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Knowledge is key to making career moves. When investigating different career alternatives, one constant factor to consider is your level of skills, education, and training and if you need more to get the work you want. Find information and resources to help you make learning decisions.

Kindergarten - Grade 12
    Public Schools
    Private Schools
    Distance Education
    Learning Tools & Resources
Preparing for Further Education
    Upgrading & Literacy
    Entrance Preparation
    Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)
Funding Your Education
Post-Secondary Education & Training
    Community Colleges, Cégeps and Technical Institutes
    Private / Specialized Training
    Co-op Education
    Distance Education
    Learning Tools & Resources
Studying Outside Canada
Learning & Skills Development
    Language Training
    Professional & Personal Development
    Entrepreneur Training
    Distance Education
Licensing & Certification Requirements
Accessing Community Support Services