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Whether finding new work or venturing out on your own, focus on developing effective marketing tools to find the right situation to match your skills and areas of knowledge. Find information and resources to help you develop work search strategies.

How to Search for Work
    Getting Ready for Work
    Resume / Cover Letter / Portfolio
    Job Opportunities
    Organizations / Companies
    Student Jobs
    Employment Agencies
Directories of Employers
Volunteering & Internships
Working Outside Canada
Self-Employment Options
Business Tools & Supports
    Business Plan
    Legal & Tax Issues
    Contracts / Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
    Financing Your Business
    Wage Assistance / Subsidy Programs
    Human Resource Management
    Additional Help
Financial Help
    Employment Insurance
    Worker's Compensation
    Social Assistance / Child and Family
    Retirement & Pension
    Financing Your Business
    Wage Assistance / Subsidy Programs
Rights & Responsibilities on the Job
    Labour Relations
    Unions & Labour Groups
    Occupational Health & Safety
    Employment Standards
    Human Rights
    Other Work Arrangements
Accessing Community Support Services