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Winning Retail 2nd Edition
Table of Contents
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Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
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Retail Trade

Chapter 5: Visual Merchandising

What you will Learn
Chapter 5 - Tips

What you will Learn

  • Why making effective use of your space is so important.
  • How to position your departments and products.
  • How to improve store lighting.
  • The importance of atmosphere and cleanliness in your store.
  • How to create great displays and signage.

Today's successful retailers make the most profitable use of every square foot of space in the store and in the warehouse. Since this space is so costly, you must take a strategic approach to its use. Floor patterns, location of merchandise, levels of inventory and appropriate displays are all key factors in the proper use of space.

Misuse of space can be as detrimental to your success as poor buying or careless hiring. It is very important for every store to create a suitable atmosphere and appealing presentations in order to trigger the consumer's buying decision. In a world where you can find identical merchandise in more than one store, layout and presentation become key differentiating factors.

Create Your Store For Your Target Customer

You can have the most unique, creative and different store on the planet, but if doesn't conform to what your customers want and expect, then it is of no value. Retail has always been, and will always be, about the consumer.

Your entire store concept must be built around your target customer. Succeed at satisfying this shopper and you win the game. Build and design a store that looks beautiful but doesn't fit the marketplace and the only people who will be happy are the architect and contractors.

Take A Strategic Approach

Unfortunately, the days of running a traditional "Ma and Pa" operation, lacking any real business sophistication, are long gone. A haphazard approach to store layout generates less than desired results. You must squeeze every ounce of potential out of your store to make it a winner.

How you present your store is a very strategic part of your business. In order to position every item in its proper location, you must have a far more detailed plan than the usual "It was the only place left available, so that's where it ended up!"

Give your best-selling merchandise the most favourable display areas in your store. There's no point in making the job of selling products any more difficult than it needs to be.

Consider these suggestions for positioning your departments:

  1. High margin/High Sales: If you have a winner, it can afford the "high rent" district in your store. Put it in your best selling spaces. These are your "hot zones".

  2. Demand Merchandise: Customers make a point of coming to your store to get this merchandise, and they will hunt for it. Put it in less valuable spaces and make them walk by your more impulse-related items.

  3. Impulse Items: These are the unplanned purchases customers make on a shopping trip. Items with high impulse success get great locations in the store. The cash desk area is a prime location for these products.

  4. Related Merchandise: Even though it may be in separate departments, place products near each other if they are coordinating or complementary items. This will make them more visible to the customer and make shopping easier. Cross-merchandising works.

  5. Seasonal Stock: Some stores designate an area of the floor for merchandise that is on hand for only a short time. This creates an efficient changeover of that area when a new season arrives. In most stores, seasonal stock requires high visibility.

  6. Department size: In order to help customers find them, smaller departments typically get better positions in the store than larger departments. Placing a small department in a poor visibility area is like putting the "kiss of death" on that department.

  7. New Departments: If you're testing a new department or line of merchandise, give it the best chance possible to succeed by placing it in a prime selling area. Keep in mind, though, that within a short period of time it will need to earn the right to maintain a position in your "hot zones".


A plan-o-gram is nothing more than a picture of how various fixtures, shelves and walls will present your merchandise. It is a relatively simple concept, but a very powerful one because it takes into consideration what is known about the psychology of consumer buying habits.

Creating a plan-o-gram forces the retailer to carefully evaluate which products go where and how many will be displayed. By forcing yourself to plan the presentation of each department, you will become a more successful and proactive retailer.

Check out the sample plan-o-gram on the next page.

Sample Plan-o-gram

Sample Plan-o-gram

Be Original

Boredom. Sameness. Mediocrity.

That pretty much summarizes most retail store designs today. There is a lack of innovation. Too many retailers look at a store chain that is successful, and then try to "knock off" its look.

Whatever happened to being an individual?

You must give the customer as many reasons as possible to shop in your store. One of the key attractions is your store layout and presentation. If you look the same, or worse, than the competition, then the customer becomes less attracted to your store.

Sameness (that's when retailers look and act alike) is a curse for most stores. If you can't be better than the competition, you might as well go work for them.


An often overlooked and underestimated tool available to retailers is store lighting. Studies show that proper lighting can increase merchandise sales by up to 20%. Yet, all too often we let the importance of lighting go unrecognized.

Start with the basics - aim your spotlights on the intended products and be conscientious about replacing light bulbs right away. Customers are definitely not impressed when they notice several burnt out bulbs as they walk into a store. It's just a sign of neglect and complacency.

Lighting can be a costly investment and a complete renovation of the current system may not be feasible for many retailers. The following recommendations, however, can provide you with a good starting point:

  • Use colour corrected bulbs. Improper bulbs make merchandise look grey and shabby.
  • >Make use of spot lights, preferably halogen, to highlight key selling areas.
  • Point your lights where you want your customers to look. If your walls are supposed to show off your products, then flood them with "wall washing" light.
  • Make the front of your store "glow" with light. You need to be noticed and a bright storefront is more attractive and appealing.
  • Brighter stores are now the norm. Lighten up!

Address The Senses

Create a sensual experience in your store by paying attention not only to sight, but also to smell, touch and sound.

Think of how magical a bakery smells. Doesn't it make you want to buy? Remember how many times you've walked into the movie theater, promising yourself there would be no popcorn this time, only to find yourself elbow deep in a super-sized bucket?

Pay attention to how your store smells. You can trigger emotional responses in customers that cause them to relax, energize, reminisce, and (hopefully) buy something.

Music is an essential element in any store. It helps accentuate and build your atmosphere. It can also add texture to the environment.

Customers tend to stay longer in environments with appropriate music ... and if they stay longer, they typically buy more. A relaxed and fun work place will also increase the productivity and morale levels of your employees.

Be sure that the music you choose fits the store and the customers. Stores attracting teens should play the lively music of the day. Nature-oriented retailers should use natural, soothing sounds blended with classical themes.

As in all things, do it right. Avoid the radio station, since commercials and newsbreaks don't help at all. Compact disc systems are inexpensive and allow the music to play continuously without the risk of sudden silence. Digital music services are the best option.

Housekeeping Standards

Your store's housekeeping must be impeccable. When we say impeccable, we mean flawless.

A dirty store says you don't care. It says you've lost interest and you probably don't treat the merchandise with respect, either. It's tough enough to win over customers without adding to the difficulty by presenting a less than spotless store.

Create a daily and weekly checklist of every housekeeping duty that must be completed. Assign these duties to various individuals and hold them accountable for getting them done.

Polish the chrome. Dust the shelves. Clean the lights. Get rid of the tape on the windows. Remove the clutter behind the cash counter. Tidy up the back room. Chase those dust bunnies away. Vacuum daily.

No smudges. No grease. No dust. No grime. Period.

Store Windows

Your storefront windows are an ideal opportunity to attract customers' attention and drag them into your store. Windows should be used for these main purposes:

  • Sales promotions
  • Image-building
  • Seasonal changes
  • New arrivals
  • High demand items

Successful store windows are changed frequently! In a downtown area, potential customers pass by your store at least two or three times a week. Ask yourself "If my windows didn't attract them into the store this week, what makes me believe they will next week?"

This frequent number of "pass by's" means that you must change your windows as often as every week. Determine how many times your windows are seen by potential customers and rotate them to match that frequency. You must constantly present a fresh and exciting face. As a minimum, windows should be changed once per month. Just do it!

Creative Displays

While individual creativity and artistic flair play a major role in merchandise displays, here are some main principles that you should consider:

  • Good displays tell a story or have a theme.
  • Keep displays simple. Don't include too many items.
  • Try portraying your products in use.
  • Focus on impulse items.
  • Use proper lighting and props.
  • Use well-stocked power walls/displays to show best sellers.
  • Show complementary/coordinating items together.
  • Integrate your advertising into your displays.
  • Use motion to attract attention.
  • Focus on best sellers/hot items.
  • Unless you're a pro, keep it simple.


Too often, retailers spend big money on external advertising campaigns involving flyers, handouts, coupons, newspapers and other media ... then overlook the impact of in-store communication and presentations.

As much as 80% of all sales are generated at point of purchase by signage, displays and events within the store. This far outweighs any other type of promotional or marketing event.

Signage is the "silent salesperson" for the retailer and must reflect your image. Handwritten signs are essentially taboo. Professionalism is everything in your store, and the same holds true with your signage.

There are four different types of signs:

  1. Promotional signs: For off-price events or specials.
  2. Location signs: For direction to specific departments.
  3. Institutional signs: For store policies, charitable events.
  4. Informational signs: For product related features/benefits/prices.

Consider the following ideas when designing your next signage campaign:

  • Make your signs short and sweet. You have three seconds to tell the customer what you want them to know.
  • Create a consistent look. Colour, size, type, style, and layout should be consistent.
  • Use feature/benefit/price signs.
  • Only post positive signs about your policies. If it's negative, either change it or don't post it.
  • Say "Save $10", instead of "10% off". It's usually much more powerful.


  1. Visual Merchandising is first and foremost a strategic activity that requires planning and analysis.
  2. Put your best-selling merchandise in your best-selling space.
  3. If you only do one thing with your store, make it professional.
  4. Your storefront, including your windows, must tell the right story about who you are as a retailer.
  5. Invest in proper signage to take your store to the next level.

Chapter 5 - Tips

Created: 2004-02-17
Updated: 2004-08-12
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