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Agriculture in harmony with nature II - AAFC's Sustainable development strategy 2001 - 2004

Sustainable development is a blending of environmental, social, and economic opportunities that strives to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The federal government is committed to this vision, asking that each of its departments follow a sustainable development strategy geared specifically to its mandate and integrated into its day-to-day and long-term decision-making processes.

Sustainable development in the agriculture and agri-food sector, or sustainable agriculture, is the goal towards which we are striving. It is a way of producing and processing agricultural products that can be carried out over the long term, in a manner that supports or enhances the high quality of life we enjoy in Canada today. Sustainable agriculture protects the natural resource base, prevents the degradation of soil, water, and air quality, and conserves biodiversity; contributes to the economic and social well-being of all Canadians; ensures a safe and high-quality supply of agricultural products; and safeguards the livelihood and well-being of agricultural and agri-food workers and their families.

Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (AAFC) can play a number of roles in working with its partners in government, industry, and communities towards sustainable agriculture. For example, investing in scientific understanding and innovation to develop environmentally sound products, practices, and technologies, and encouraging the adoption of these innovations by the sector through adaptation and stewardship initiatives continues to be a key component of this second sustainable development strategy. AAFC also has the analytical and modeling capacity to link short- and long-term environmental effects with economic parameters to better predict the impacts of our policies and programs. Complementing this is our ability to determine and monitor the state of the agricultural environment through environmental performance indicators.

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Our strategy for sustainable development

Organized into four strategic directions, or themes, Agriculture in Harmony with Nature II outlines a series of objectives that represent AAFC's sustainable development priorities for the coming years. Efforts will be targeted at improving the environmental sustainability of natural resources, promoting a prosperous and viable sector where growth is achieved in an environmentally sustainable manner, and contributing to sustainable communities. In addition, AAFC will lead by example, integrating sustainable development into its own departmental decision-making process, as well as greening its own operations.

Two fundamental components form the basis of AAFC's approach to sustainable development. First, the department will work with partners to foster a broader approach to risk management by developing a framework that better links income-support programming with food safety and environmental objectives. Second, it will implement a sectoral growth strategy built on science, innovation, and knowledge, and on the development of new products and services that are more environmentally sustainable.

This strategy is built on the results of several departmental assessments of agriculture and the environment, published in detailed reports on the health of our soils, air, and water; the departmental agri-environmental indicator project; and prairie agricultural landscapes. Development of the strategy was assisted by consultations with industry groups, other interest groups, and government partners, and was underpinned by an issue scan that identified social, economic, and environmental factors affecting the department and the sector, now and in the future.

Further information

Contact within the Environment Bureau:
Dale McKeague
Kathy Wilson

Related documents:

Related links:

A summary of the results from our numerous SDS commitments can be found in AAFC's Departmental Performance Reports

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Date Modified: 2005-10-13
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