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Industrial Security Sector 65th Anniversary



Industrial Security Advisory Board - 4th Meeting
Thursday, June 29, 2006
9:30 - 12:00
2745 Iris Street, 1st Floor Boardroom

Industry Associations

  • Ron Kane
    Aerospace Industries Association of Canada

  • Paul Gillissie
    Association of Canadian Search, Employment and Staffing Services (ACSESS)

  • Joanne Stanley
    Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA)

  • Mike O'Neil
    Canadian Business Information Network (CABiNET)

  • Stan Jacobson
    Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI)

  • Bill Munson
    Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC)

  • Marv Sywyk
    Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA)

  • Marie Thibodeau
    Facility Operations and Maintenance Association of Canada (FOMAC)

  • Absent: Michael Atkinson
    Canadian Construction Association (CCA)

  • Guest: Rob McLeod
    Director General, Counter Intelligence, CISIS

Industrial Security Sector (ISS)
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)

  • Gerry Deneault
    Director General

  • Albert Bissonnette
    A/Director, Canadian and International Industrial Security Directorate (CIISD)

  • Pierre Gagne
    A/Director, Controlled Goods Directorate (CGD)

  • Cynthia Armstrong
    Director, Program Harmonization and Services Directorate (PHSD)

  • Michelle Tardif
    Manager, Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement, PHSD (Advisory Board Secretariat)

  • Observers:

    Diane Lewis
    A/Manager, Operations Division, CGD

    Marc Charron
    Manager, Policy Research and Risk Management Division, PHSD

    Jennifer Green
    A/Manager, Business Systems Operations Division, PHSD

    Michel Boulet
    Manager, Registration and Outreach Division, CIISD

    Tita Cochrane
    Manager, Canadian & International Industrial Security, Visits, CIISD (1st item)

1. Introduction

Gerry Deneault welcomed members to the 4th meeting of the Industrial Security Advisory Board and introduced Marie Thibodeau as the new member from FOMA. He also identified the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association as a new association member to ISAB and introduced Marv Sywyk as AFCEA’s representative.

2. Intelligence Threat Briefing

Rob McLeod, Director General, Counter Intelligence from CSIS provided an overview of the organization structure of CSIS along with its general mandate. He followed this up with a briefing on intelligence issues with particular emphasis on open information of interest to Canadian industry.

He noted that CSIS is now position to provide general security or country-specific briefings for companies doing business in foreign countries. Mr. McLeod will provide a list of CSIS contacts across the country and will advise these contacts that company security officers or association representatives may be contacting them for briefings.

It was suggested that it would be useful to use the e-learning tool previously discussed at ISAB to raise awareness with CSOs and DSO of these types if security issues.

As a result of this discussion, it was agreed that security clearance levels of ISAB members will be confirmed and clearances to secret level pursued. Action: Michelle Tardif

In addition, it was agreed that Helen Brown and an RCMP representative will be invited to the next ISAB meeting to discuss portability of clearances and RTID respectively. Action: Michelle Tardif

Association members will raise their concerns/issues at this next session and bring some CSIS and RCMP-specific questions to the table. Action: Association members

3. General Administration

  • Approval of Minutes

    Minutes of the March 30th ISAB meeting were approved.
  • Update on Action Item Tracking Report

    The updates on the Action Item Tracking Report were explained in greater detail and will be reflected in the modified report which is also attached for review. This revised report will also be included on the website.

4. Update on Activities

  • Government Industrial Security Advisory Board meeting of June 1, 2006

    Due to the lack of time, members agreed to refer to the ISS website for the GISAB minutes. Editor’s note: to be added to website shortly and link provided to ISAB members.

5. Business Transformation Report

Cynthia Armstrong reminded members of the rationale for undertaking the transformation project, and noted that dozens of recommendations have been refined to allow for both short and long term fixes. She confirmed that the #1 priority is providing on-line access to clearance information and noted we are still consulting with PWGSC’s Access to Information and Privacy Office as well as Acquisitions Branch for advice. Due to current ISS systems priorities, first stage access (i.e., access to status of own company clearances) will be initiated in the fall.

Cynthia noted that 22 responses to ISS’ survey had been received (with 8 from the same company). She indicated that the responses spanned the spectrum in terms of support for allowing second party access to clearance information and, consequently, associations agreed to highlight positive aspects of second party access with their members. Action: Association members

It was agreed that ISS will tabulate the results and share with ISAB members. Following tabulation, a working group meeting of ISAB members will be held to discuss next steps in this initiative. Action: Cynthia Armstrong

6. Upcoming Activities

GISAB/ISAB Meeting: Gerry Deneault advised members that the joint ISAB/GISAB meeting is scheduled for October 5, 2006. Details will follow at a later date.

Canada-U.S. Meeting: Gerry noted that representatives from DoD and DHS will be meeting with ISS and other government departments involved with Industrial Security on October 11-12. He invited members to forward issues and views as possible candidates for discussion at the meeting. Action: Association members

7. Round Table

CATA: Joanne Stanley indicated that a survey has been conducted on procurement reform and confirmed that CATA members are still raising concerns with the length of time required to obtain security clearances. She will raise a specific issue directly with Albert Bissonnette and, in relation to the entire procurement reform issue, share the survey results with us and other departmental interests. Action: Joanne Stanley

CABiNET: Mike O’Neil indicated that CABiNET is presently preoccupied with procurement reform issues.

ACSESS: Paul Gillissie noted a similar pre-occupation, particularly with Acquisitions Branch intentions for Temporary Help Standing Offers.

As a result of these issues, it was agreed that ISS will invite Acquisitions Branch to take part in ISAB. Action: Michelle Tardif (note: invitation sent to ADM/Acquisitions Branch July 4, 2006; waiting for notification of representative)

Next Meeting - Joint ISAB-GISAB Meeting

October 5, 2006
8:30 – 12:00
Outaouais Room
Place du Portage, Phase IV top of page


Maintained by the ISS
Last Updated: 2006-08-23