
Highlighted Initiatives

Letter from Three Territorial Premiers to Federal Party Leaders

Premiers' Joe Handley (NWT), Dennis Fentie (Yukon), and Paul Okalik (Nunavut) have written to the leaders of the federal political parties asking for their positions on northern issues.

Territorial News Release

Territorial Letter to Leaders of the Federal Political Parties

Responses were received from the federal political parties. Please click on the links below to read each leader's response.

Territorial News Release

09-01-06 Bloc Québécois letter to northern Premiers
(English translation, provided by the Government of Yukon, follows original letter)

06-01-06 Conservative Party letter to northern Premiers

13-01-06 Liberal Party letter to northern Premiers

14-01-06 NDP letter to northern Premiers

Letter from Premier Joe Handley to Federal Party Leaders

Premier Joe Handley has written to leaders of the federal political parties asking for their position on issues vital to the NWT.

Premier Handley indicated that leaders responses will provide northern voters with critical information when choosing a candidate.  He reminded federal party leaders of the NWT’s importance to Canada from a geographic and resource development perspective.

Premier Handley has asked for a response from party leaders by January 9th, 2006.  He has committed to making all responses available to the public.

News Release

Letter to Leaders of Federal Political Parties

Responses were received from the federal political parties by the requested date. To read each leader's response, follow the appropriate link below in alphabetical order:

GNWT News Release

06-01-06 Conservative Party letter to Premier

06-01-09 Liberal Party letter to Premier

06-01-09 NDP letter to Premier

National Transportation Strategy

At the last Council of the Federation Meeting in Banff this summer, Premiers announced that we would be developing a comprehensive national transportation strategy – a strategy that is multimodal and inclusive of all regions. To oversee this work, the Council of the Federation established a committee led by the Premier of British Columbia, Gordon Campbell, and including Premier John Hamm of Nova Scotia and myself. We all share the view that a National Transportation Strategy is a critical element in the continued economic growth of this country.

The Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut have worked hard to provide input into a national transportation strategy that is reflective of northern needs and priorities. Greater recognition of the strategic importance of northern transportation infrastructure to the nation’s economy, security and sovereignty is essential. All Canadians will benefit from a North that is connected to the rest of Canada by an effective and efficient multi-modal transportation system. As such, the national government must accept some responsibility for the costs associated with providing this system. With limited resources, the territories cannot realistically assume the financial burden of increased infrastructure alone.

Within the context of this Strategy, our government believes the completion of the Mackenzie Valley Highway to the Arctic Coast as an integral part of the vision of a strong and prosperous Canada. Such a road would provide significant opportunity for the development of our abundant resources and open Canada from coast to coast to coast.

Council of the Federation Press Release

National Transportation Strategy

Northern Strategy

Northwest Territories residents have told their leadership they want healthy, self-reliant communities where individuals and families are able to share the rewards and responsibilities of a prosperous and unified Northwest Territories.

On December 14, 2004, Premier Handley joined Prime Minister Martin and Premiers Fentie (Yukon) and Okalik (Nunavut) in releasing Nation Building - Framework for a Northern Strategy. This framework document was intended to stimulate discussions with Northerners on what should be included in a finalized Northern Strategy.

This is the first-ever comprehensive strategy for the North. A project such as this involves a wide range of issues and priorities that need to be discussed - issues relating to economic development, health, culture, environment, infrastructure and others - all issues important to Northerners.

The federal and territorial governments are continuing to work together on the strategy and are making excellent progress. We are now in the balancing process in order to come up with a strategy that will make a difference. By considering all of the input we received, we will ensure we have a strategy that reflects the needs of Northerners not only now, but for generations to come.

GNWT Strategic Plan

The 15th Legislative Assembly adopted a unified vision with goals that focus on self-reliance and shared responsibility. Guided by this vision, the Government of the Northwest Territories prepared a 10-year government-wide strategic plan titled: "Self-reliant People, Communities and Northwest Territories - A Shared Responsibility" (PDF).

The 15th Assembly of the Government of the Northwest Territories identified early in their mandate their vision and goals intended to describe the future they are working towards and the accomplishments they intend to make.

Self-reliant individuals and families sharing the rewards and responsibilities of healthy communities and a prosperous and unified Northwest Territories.

As a result, a Government Strategic Plan has been prepared to assist with direction as we work towards self-reliant people, communities and the shared responsibility to meet these goals. For a version of this plan in the eleven Official Languages of the Northwest Territories: Chipewyan, Cree, English, French, Gwichin, Innuinaqtun, Inuktitut, Inuvialuktun, North Slavey, South Slavey, Tlicho (PDF).