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S40 Redemption Tables
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The Canada Premium Bond
The Canada Savings Bond
The Canada Investment Bond
The Canada RSP
The Canada RIF
Other retail products
How to buy
 >Buying bonds as a gift
 >Buying bonds for RRSP
How to redeem
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 >RRSP Calculator
 >Payroll Savings Calculator
 >Bond Recorder
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Site map
E-newsletter sign up
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Customer Service
Contact us
Services for Bondholders
 >Change of Address
 >Enroll in Direct Deposit
 >Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Bonds
 >Bond Exchanges
 >Making a Request on Behalf of a Bondowner
 >Multiple Interest Payments and Mailings
 >Transfer/Redeem from a Deceased Owner
 >Changes to Payroll Savings Program
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About Us
What's new
Annual report
Management team
Related links
Poster Gallery
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Media Centre
News releases
Media kit
 >Fact Sheet - Payroll Savings Program
 >Fact Sheet - Canada Investment and Savings
 >Fact Sheet - Tell Us Your CSB Story
 >Fact Sheet - Kids Can Save National Youth Initiative
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Important notices
Payroll Savings Program
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Employees of Companies & Organizations
Program benefits
The Canada RSP
Signing up
Changes after sign-up
How to redeem
What if you leave your current employer?
Terms and conditions
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Employees of the Federal Public Service
Program benefits
The Canada RSP
Signing up
Changes after sign-up
How to redeem
What if you leave your current employer?
Terms and conditions
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Campaign Directors of Companies & Organizations
What's new?
How to run a campaign
 >Contacts and Information
 >Important Dates
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Administering the program
 Signing up employees
 >Changes after sign-up
 >Employee record keeping
 >Transmission options
  > Proprietary Payroll System
  > Payroll Service Provider
  > Web Site Transmission
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Campaign Directors of the Federal Public Service
What's new?
How to run a campaign
 >Contacts and Information
 > Important Dates
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Administering the program
 Signing up employees
 >Changes after sign-up
 >Employee record keeping
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Why should your company offer the Payroll Savings Program?
Why employers like the program
Why employees like the program
Next Steps

Updated:    2005 07 28
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