Department of Justice
   Condominium Act
   October 25, 2005
   New Judge Appointed to
   Territorial Court
   April 15, 2005
   New Choices for Victims
   of Family Violence
   March 31, 2005
   Technical Briefing & Press
   Conference: Protection
   Against Family Violence Act

   March 29, 2005
  NWT Teens can test their
  Financial IQ
  February 23, 2005
   Sissons/Morrow carving
   collection to be displayed at
   Yellowknife Courthouse
   February 18, 2005
  Improved Technology Offers
  Consumers Protection On
  Major Purchases
  February 17, 2005
  Court Registries to
  Remain Open
  January 24, 2005
  Appointment of New
  Court Judge
  January 24, 2005
News -YELLOWKNIFE (January 24)

Court Registries to Remain Open

Changes to the budget reductions proposed by the Department of Justice were announced today by Minister of Justice and Attorney General Charles Dent.

"After reviewing the draft budget with the Standing Committee on Social Programs, the Government has decided not to proceed with the closure of the Court Registries in Inuvik and Hay River," said Minister Dent. "We have taken this action after carefully considering the concerns expressed in both Hay River and Inuvik.”

Employees in the Court Registries have received notice their positions are no longer being eliminated.

The Government is proceeding with its proposal to close the Dene K'onia Youth Offender Facility, the remand facility at the South Mackenzie Correctional Centre, and the elimination of Regional Community Justice Coordinators.

The Government has been working with those employees who are affected by the proposed cuts to find alterative employment with the GNWT.

These proposed reductions will be presented in the Legislative Assembly as part of the 2005-2006 Main Estimates when session reconvenes on February 9, 2005.

For more information, please contact:

Megan Munro
Communications Assistant
Cabinet Communications
Phone: (867) 669-2302

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