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  NWT Teens can test their
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  Sissons/Morrow carving
  collection to be displayed
  at Yellowknife
  February 18, 2005
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News -YELLOWKNIFE (February 18)

Sissons/Morrow carving collection to be displayed at
Yellowknife Courthouse

In honour of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Supreme Court of the NWT, the Sissons/Morrow carving collection will be publicly displayed during the month of March.

Justice Sissons began collecting Inuit art in 1956, when a man from one of his trials gave him a carving that depicted his experience in the courtroom. Justice Sissons began to commission local carvers to depict trials in a variety of media including stone, ivory, caribou antler, soapstone and metal. When Justice Morrow succeeded Justice Sissons in 1966, he continued to add to the collection.

Upon Justice Sissons’ death in 1969, the entire collection was given to the people of the North, deeded in trust to the Senior Judge of the Supreme Court. It has been in secure storage for the past few years, and will be displayed on the second floor of the Yellowknife Courthouse during the month of March.

Photographs of the collection are available on the Courts website, at

For more information, contact:

Megan Holsapple
Tel: (867) 920-3130

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