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Rules Made by the Supreme Court and Territorial Court of the Northwest Territories and the Court of Appeal for the Northwest Territories

Under the Judicature Act

  1. Rules of the Court of Appeal Respecting Civil Appeals (PDF, WordPerfect)
  2. Northwest Territories Divorce Rules (PDF, WordPerfect)
  3. Rules of the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories
  4. Probate, Administration and Guardianship Fees Regulations
    (PDF, WordPerfect)

Under the Territorial Court Act

  1. Territorial Court Civil Claims Rules (PDF, WordPerfect)
Under the Criminal Code
  1. Criminal Procedure Rules of the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories (PDF, WordPerfect)
  2. Northwest Territories Rules of Practice Respecting Applications and Hearings Concerning a Reduction in the Number of Years of Imprisonment without Eligibility for Parole (PDF, WordPerfect)
  3. Rules Respecting Criminal Appeals under Sections 607-616 of the Criminal Code and Bail Rules on Appeals to the Court of Appeal for the Northwest Territories (PDF, WordPerfect)

Under the Northwest Territories Act

  1. Probate, Administration and Guardianship Rules of the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories (PDF)
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