Passport Canada
Satisfaction Survey

Proactive disclosure

Ombudsman's checklist

This is a list of the items considered by the Ombudsman in the matter of complaints arising from Agency practices or decisions. For the client, the list corresponds, as it were, to the standards of fairness the Ombudsman seeks through mediation or investigation after a complaint is received. Clients can use this list to determine beforehand whether or not their complaints are reasonable.


  • Passport Canada makes intelligible information available to the public.
  • Forms are written in plain language.
  • Clients receive all the information they require.
  • Partners receive the information they need to better serve clients.
  • Clients are treated courteously.
  • Clients' personal information is protected by Passport Canada.

Facilities and services

  • Passport Canada answers telephone calls promptly.
  • E-mail, answering machines and toll-free numbers are available to the public.
  • Waiting rooms are accessible to all, including persons with limited mobility.
  • The environment is healthy and safe for employees and the public.


  • Persons affected by a decision may provide information to support their positions.
  • Decisions are made within reasonable time frames.
  • Reasons for the decisions are provided.

Claim review and examination procedures

  • Clients are informed of existing review procedures when advised of the decision.
  • Complaint processing procedures are explained clearly.
  • The public is given the opportunity to suggest ways of improving service.

Organizational matters

  • Employees' job titles correspond clearly to their duties.
  • Passport Canada has tools available for assessing the quality of the service it provides.
  • The various sectors of Passport Canada work together to provide the best possible service.
  • The decision-making process affecting the rights of citizens is clearly laid out.

This list is based in large part on the Checklist published by the Ombudsman of British Columbia, whom we thank for his cooperation in working with counterparts in the private sector and provincial and federal governments at the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman.