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Marriage and civil union

What constitutes marriage and civil union?
Declaration of marriage or civil union
Persons authorized to solemnize a marriage or civil union
Certificate and copy of an act of marriage or civil union
Attestation of marriage or civil union




What constitutes marriage and civil union?

Marriage, whether religious or civil, is a commitment by two persons who must be at least 16 years old, and have obtained the consent of their parents or guardian if they are under 18 years of age.

Civil union is a commitment by two persons, aged 18 or older, who publicly express their free and informed consent to live together as a couple and uphold the rights and obligations that derive from this civil status.


Declaration of marriage or civil union

The Declaration of marriage or civil union is mandatory under the Civil Code of Québec.  It enables the Directeur de l'état civil to produce the act of marriage or civil union and enter it in the register of civil status of Québec.

This entry in the register of civil status:

  • provides legal proof of the marriage or civil union
  • enables the married or civil union spouses to obtain a certificate or copy of the act of marriage or civil union.

How to declare a marriage or civil union:

  • The future married or civil union spouses select a person who is legally authorized to solemnize a marriage or civil union.
  • The newly married or civil union spouses and their witnesses sign the Declaration of marriage or civil union at the end of the ceremony.
  • The celebrant sends the Declaration of marriage or civil union to the Directeur de l'état civil without delay for entry into the register of civil status.
  • The newly married or civil union spouses may apply for a certificate or copy of the act of marriage or civil union after it has been entered in the register of civil status.

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Persons authorized to solemnize a marriage or civil union:

  • clerks and deputy clerks of Superior Court designated by the Minister of Justice

  • notaries authorized by law to execute notarized acts

  • any other person designated by the Minister of Justice, such as mayors, municipal or borough councilors and municipal officers, within the territory defined in their instrument of designation

  • ministers of different religions authorized by the Minister responsable for civil status.

For information on the rules respecting the solemnization of civil marriages and civil unions, go to this link on the Web site of the Ministère de la Justice.

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Certificate and copy of an act of marriage or civil union

To obtain a civil status document concerning marriage or civil union, consult sections:

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Attestation of marriage or civil union

To obtain an attestation of marriage or civil union, consult the Attestation section.

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