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Education Programs

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Military History of Canada
Canadian War Museum
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On-line Educational Activities

The Canadian War Museum's on-line Teacher's Page offers a gateway to a wealth of information and resources. Included are fact sheets, time lines, games and activities for students.

Over the Top - A First World War Online Adventure

Over the Top - On-line module (intermediate)

Over the Top allows students to experience life in the trenches during the First World War. Part history and part adventure story, Over the Top allows players to determine the outcome of the story by making decisions at key moments. This educational resource includes follow-up activities, maps, films and document references.


Armoured Warrior - On-line module (senior)

As the Canadian commander of a Sherman tank in North West Europe during the Second World War, students live through some of the excitement, despair, brutality and sheer horror of one day's fighting at the front. The choices they make determine the outcome of the adventure. Armoured Warrior includes archival images, questions for discussion and historical notes.

coloring book

The Great Museum Colouring Book (primary)

Download the 32 figures spanning Canada's military history from the period of New France to modern times. Each page also contains historical notes and tips on how to colour each figure.

The Victoria Cross Memory Game

The Victoria Cross Memory Game (primary/intermediate)

In this challenging and fast-paced game, students match pairs of some of Canada's Victoria Cross recipients to learn more about their actions and personal stories.

Mystery Artifact Game

The Mystery Artifact Game (primary/intermediate)

Bizarre and unusual objects are a starting point for understanding the tools and technology Canadians used in times of war. Students are challenged to identify each artifact to learn how each was used.


Military History Quizzes (intermediate to senior/secondary)

These short multiple-choice quizzes complement Museum exhibits and storylines. Put your students' knowledge to the test or use them as a starting point for research and study.

Quiz: Canada and the American Revolution

Revolution Rejected : Canada and the American Revolution
Questions link directly to the online exhibit about Canada and the American Revolution - one of Canada's least known, yet most important, wars.

Quiz : Canada and the First World War

Canada and the First World War
Questions focus on Canada's involvement in the First World War, including important domestic events.

Quiz : Canada and World War 2

Second World War
Questions represent the full range of Canada's massive contribution to the Second World War.

For more information on the Museum's School Programs and Material, please call (819) 776-8606 or e-mail .

Created: May 6, 2005. Last update: July 28, 2006
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