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Search Link to Advanced Search > The Battle of Vimy Ridge > References
NAC PA 183630 'The Vimy Memorial, July 1936' and CWM 19920085-915 '29th Infantry Batallion advancing over No man's Land through the German barbed wire and heavy fire during the Battle of Vimy Ridge'

Vimy Ridge - CWM 20030064-003 'Canadian 44th Infantry Battalion Badge'
Canadian War Museum
1 Vimy Place
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 1C2
Tel. (819) 776-8600
toll-free 1-800-555-5621


The Canadian War Museum invites you to consult the following references to learn more about Canada and the First World War

CWM19930065-612 'Canadian Graves near Vimy'

Suggested Readings (PDF 190Kb)
Selective bibliography of Canada and the First World War

Monuments to Canadians and their Battlefields (PDF 111Kb)
List of works on War Memorials dedicated to Canadian war dead

War Art and Posters (PDF 126Kb)
List of works on war art and war posters

War Poets, Writers and Songs (PDF 114Kb)
List of novels and selected poetry readings on the First World War

Films and Documentaries (PDF 107Kb)
List of films and documentaries on the First World War

Web Sites

The Canadian War Museum invites you to consult the following web sites to learn more about Canada and the First World War :

Created: April 2, 2004  Last modified: December 3, 2004
© Canadian War Museum
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